L ’estate siriana è torrida, il tempo scorre rapido, la notte silenziosa avanza e al Musafir giace semiabbandonato.
Si torna a casa. Con un mese in mezzo in anticipo, Al Musafir torna in Sicilia. Attratto da un richiamo fortissimo, irresistibile. Sì, perchè anche se con una certa probabilità non sarà trasparito così tanto nei post degli ultimi mesi, è innamorato. Forse perchè non mi piace molto rendere pubblici lati così personali e delicati.
E in effetti l’intensa permanenza siriana è stata strongly marked by this small detail.
A link ancient and indestructible, slowly transformed into love, born and raised in the distance, enjoyed, suffered, always wanted. Love via Skype ... Crazy as you want, but intense and real. Patiently endured a distance ... Doubts and fears dealt with ... Many difficult times ... and the last has led to this decision. Why not to Musafir has done it more in the end. Maybe he spent all his energy in the early months. Or more likely, needs to realize what it means to be together in real sense of the word. A question of priorities. The experience has certainly reached the Syrian flap entirely positive, and I am fully satisfied with what I did, the United Nations to experiment courses in Arabic, as I learned of this country, to friends. I do not feel so in less than a month would take away too much. And still I could not do much, the conditions were anything but good. Ubi Maior.
Ordunque, Myair flight from Istanbul to Catania early July 2. The ride in Turkey do the same to me! I'm leaving next week, after the end of the course.
I embrace you.
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