Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Verifying Volunteer Letter dipendenza.......

"without him I'll never make it! "He said at the end of his affair with her boyfriend.
had come to an end, it was over, did not love her more, there was nothing more between them, but she had none needed, looking for him, he felt lost, without light. Did not love her, but she needed him, needed because there had always been, because he had always lived every need attimo insieme, bisogno perché ormai era una costante nella sua vita, il suo cuore n’aveva bisogno, il suo cuore non poteva vivere senza di lui.
Capisci che non ne puoi fare a meno, quando provi ad allontanarti, a prendere un’altra strada, a girare pagina, a scrivere un nuovo capitolo, capisci che non ce la fai, non esiste la buona volontà, non esiste l’impegno all’inizio, esiste solo l’oggetto del desiderio, e quanto più provi ad allontanarti tanto più sei spinta a seguirlo, a cercarlo, ti chiedi “ se ne ho bisogno perché ne devo fare a meno? “
Allora ritorni alla tua vecchia strada, torni indietro con le pagine e le rivivi come sempre, come prima.
Sei satisfied you have what you want, what you need to stay healthy. This
the answer to what is addiction.
But addiction is a result of something you have lived, you've tried it, you've seen, it becomes addiction when rationality gives way to instinct.
We looked at the smoke. "Why do you smoke? "We've asked our friends.
For them it seems a silly question because they smoke? They have money to spend? They have another life to reserve?
The responses were different, how different life stories, according to various childhood, different responses to escape from reality.
"I smoke because I wanted to imitate my older friends "" To be accepted by society "" To be different from mine, too boring! "" Because I like me and no one forbids it! "" To show others that now are great "" My smoking does not prohibit me! "" I smoke to pass the time! "
Some are obvious, others stupid, others surprising.
We can not discuss their relationship with smoking, we can not judge us, is part of their lives, no one can ban him.

There are different types of addiction, we are accustomed to speak of addiction in a negative way, when you are addicted alcohol, smoking, or even worse by the drug, but if we told you that you are addicted to something when you feel the strong need for it means that everyone in our life we \u200b\u200bare dependent, because each of us in life can not do something pleasant, with that of more expensive, of that sweet, that's something material, some mobile phone.
Exactly the phone. Today, almost if not all adolescents have the phone, what is more serious that no one can make pleasant. Do not communicate because there are more messages, there are photos printed because if we need to see them just go to the folder of photos, we do not need cd, dvd because it manages to contain the cell and the more we can see where we want when we no longer need to have a watch, because it burdens the arm when it already has a mobile phone?
In the years has become the best friend of all, we do not need so many different things to satisfy our needs, we have a phone, a simple object that contains them all and is definitely faster.
We are increasingly faced with people who watch every minute for the phone waiting for a massage that will never arrive or just to look at the time, or we will often talk with our friend told us while she is incapable of sending a message to someone altro, ci capiterà più spesso di sentirci inascoltati perché davanti a noi c’è il nostro miglior amico-nemico cellulare.
Capiterà e forse nemmeno ce ne accorgeremo, capiterà che lo faremo, non ascoltando ciò che ci è stato detto, faremo meglio a dire è capitato e capita sempre.

Quando c’è dipendenza qualsiasi lato negativo viene svalutato, non viene preso in considerazione, ci serve quella cosa? Nel momento in cui diciamo di sì abbiamo già dimenticato i contro. Contenti noi…

Gruppo Casarano


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