Savana's school (capitolo 2)
Nick that night he could not sleep, watching the night sky and thought of Lisa, at some point a noise coming from the bushes there its right, stopped his thoughts.
was Lisa, had brought the zebra caught that day along with Nick .
"This is what is advanced, it's yours take it you deserve it"
The hyena went timidly to the lioness.
"Why are here Lisa?"
"Well tiho brought the leftovers, I keep my promises"
Nick Lisa stared into her eyes.
"I do not think it is just that, you're part of the risk, lead scrap, if the other lionesses were to know, you'd be punished by Jacko, the male lion who is the head of your herd."
The lioness looked away for a few seconds his eyes, the eyes of Nick put them in awe.
"You said that I will like me, is the first time I hear these words."
Nick approached even closer to Lisa
"I like me?"
The lioness a bit 'embarrassed retreated a few steps
"You are a hyena and I am a lioness, you can not change that.
I belong to Jacko like all the others, there' this is love, he has won in combat , this is the nature and nobody can change it "
Nick and Lisa came back that backed up to rest against a tree.
"Lisa did not answer my question, I will like me?"
"Stay away from me, do not get in trouble."
After those words the lioness ran away and disappeared into the bushes. Robert-mate Nick had been observing the scene in silence, and now came forward.
"Lisa is right, you can not change the nature, do not get in big trouble from which you could not leave again."
Nick could not not respond ..
"I was not I choose to be a hyena? No, some things are imposed on us.
They say this is nature! But remember one thing, nobody will never impose on us whom to love." After that chat
the two went to sleep, even though Nick could not close my eyes the next day would changed its Destito, the next day nature would no longer be chosen in his place.
The sun marked the beginning of a new day, waking up Nick was gone, Robert noticed it and immediately called Bud .
"Bud Dov know by chance 'is Nick?"
The big hyena still half asleep shook his head, Robert knew where he could be his companion and ran off without loss of time.
"Bud go to the big rock, Nick is going to challenge Jacko!"
Nick, meanwhile, had arrived at the foot of the big rock
In short, the hyena was surrounded by the roar of lions but did remove, Jacko had arrived.
"Who are you and what you want?"
The hyena showed no uncertainty.
"My name is Nick , I have come to challenge because I want Lisa!"
The lionesses turned to look at their partner, the oldest asked if he knew the hyena.
"No, I do not know the hyena.
Jacko let me think about this thing!" A
Lisa took only two jumps to get close to Nick , then began to speak quietly.
"What are you doing? Do you want to kill you by any chance?
" Lisa you still have not answered my question, I will like me? "
The lioness became more threatening and this time he raised his voice.
"Go away!"
At that point, however, intervened Jacko .
"He challenged me and I have an obligation to accept his challenge, unless the challenger and state won the start"
Nick stepped forward
"Jacko I do not shoot back then, we might as well start"
began fighting, the young hyena took off like lightning, his leap, however, was easily intercepted by the lion with a paw , made him slam on the ground.
The blow was hard and the match seemed already finished but Nick , albeit with difficulty , got up and drove off the attack.
The lion again this time it shut off and the young hyena was risbattuta on the ground with violence. Meanwhile, Robert and Bud had arrived on the spot.
"Robert we do?"
"We can only do one thing, I get distracted
Jacko and you bring via Nick as far as possible "
The hyenas went to the rescue of their comrade, but were stopped by their Nick .
" Stay away, this is a challenge and nobody should interfere understand? "
The two stopped, Nick was still on the ground and was bleeding from her leg, she turned to Lisa
"You have not answered my question ..." Lisa said in tears
"Si tu I like you! "Those words
gave new strength to the young hyena who stood ready to attack again.
Jacko was impressed da tanta determinazione , il suo avversario se pur stremato non rinunciava alla lotta.
"Ho combattuto contro parecchi avversari, ma nessuno ha mai dimostrato una forza d'animo come la tua."
Nick rispose se pur con fatica.
"Tu combatti per te stesso, io invece combatto per la femmina che amo.Resisterò fino a che l'ultima goccia del mio sangue non abbandonerà il mio corpo!"
Jacko si sentì sconfitto udendo quelle parole."
"Hai vinto, puoi prenderti Lisa."
Da quel momento Lisa e Nick vissero insieme felicemente.
Alla fine della storia in classe regnava il silenzio generale,la piccola iena rialzò la zampa per fare una domanda a Cesare.
"Maestro ma è vera la storia che ci hai raccontato?"
Il grosso elefante rispose
"Certo che è vera e, la maculazione della tua pelliccia lo dimostra.
Ti sei mai chiesto perché alcuni della tua razza anno la pelliccia completamente scura e altri,come te no?
Le iene dalla pelle maculata sono i discendenti della stirpe di Nick e Lisa, nelle tue vene scorre il sangue di Nick ,la iena che cambiò il proprio destino sfidando la natura, fanne buon uso!
Ora do i compiti per casa....
Questa è la prima storiella,una delle tante che spero un giorno vadano a comporre un libro illustrato per bambini....
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