Thursday, June 18, 2009

Church Banquet Program

Savana's school

Siamo nella savana,oggi è il primo giorno di scuola per molti cuccioli,sono tutti riuniti vicino ad una pozza d'acqua ,ci sono piccoli di leone,di gazzella,zebra, iena e altri ancora.Dopo poco la terra inizia a tremare,vediamo arrivare un elefante gigantesco,si ferma vicino al piccolo gruppo ed inizia a parlare:
"La savana è un luogo dove tutto è possibile,oggi potrei narrarvi le gesta eroiche della zebra Buba oppure dei sogni di Joy ,il rinoceronte che voleva volare ...Ho deciso però di raccontarvi di Nick la iena innamorata,che sfidava la propria natura per amore.....
Che maleducato ! Mi sono dimenticato di presentarmi, io sono Romolo il vostro insegnante di narrativa,quindi aprite bene le orecchie,perché poi a casa mi dovrete fare il riassunto."

Dal piccolo gruppo un cucciolo di iena si fece avanti e titubante alzò la zampa.

"Maestro lei ha detto che una iena ha sfidato la natura,quindi non è vero quello che dicono tutti ?"

" Cosa direbbero?"

La piccola iena con lo sguardo verso il basso rispose

"Dicono che noi siamo dei codardi...."

L'elefante guardò il piccolo cucciolo tremante e poi rispose:

"non esistono animals cowards, every day we challenge the world, everything is against us, but we get up and move on, now you tell the deeds of your ancestor, I hope this will teach you something ...."

The whole class was silent staring at the elephant.

"Well let's start ....
was a day like many others in the bush, a group of lions he was hunting, hidden in the tall grass, there were also three hyenas who watched the scene.

"Nick as soon as the lions have done, we come into action and try to take away more meat ..... Nick can you listening? Nick, wake up!"

Nick, that the hyena was younger, it was as mesmerized by the lions, in Lisa particular a young specimen of three years.

"I knew Robert, but because we have to steal food for lions? Will give us to mind our own business and leave them in peace?"

Next to Robert and Nick there was Bud, a hyena in the same age as Nick, but with a few dozen pounds heavier ..

"Nick is in love, you did not know Robert?"

Nick embarrassed Bud motioned him to stop.

"Go ahead Bud, who is in love with Nick?"

"Di Lisa, the young lioness group uauauuaua"

"Stop Bud, none of your business, do not say anything!?"

Robert glowered his companion

"Nick did not want to make me your own business, but as a senior I have to warn you of some things .... You know who gave me this scar in 'left eye, leaving me half-blind? E' was Clara, the lioness more older group who see the front ... We are not lions, hyenas are we feed them scraps of taking advantage of their carelessness .... Listen to my advice, stalls away ...

Meanwhile, the hunting of lions was continuing , had spotted a zebra, and they immediately had rushed at the animal but it was very fast and was able to plant all but Lisa.
The zebra was heading at full speed towards the hideout of the three hyenas, Robert was the first to notice.

"Away we go away or we will be crushed!"

Robert Bud and fled, while Nick stood firm and motionless, awaiting the arrival of prey.

"Nick come away, will kill you!"

Nick waited for the right moment and then jumped on him taking it to the zebra by the neck, the 'animal lost his balance and fell. Lisa took him to arrive shortly, with the zebra took a leap to a thigh, the fighting did not last long and the zebra had the worst, after Lisa began to get close to Nick

"Who are you? Another thief of food?"

The lioness was getting nearer and more threatening, but Nick did not move an inch ..

"I'm not a thief, I I helped take the zebra, it's yours take it "

Lisa was now in front of the hyena ..

" I do not believe your words, because then the 'would you have done? "

Nick replied without a second

"Because I like you!"

Lisa had been petrified as the response of the hyena, he did not believe her ears, while the group of lions had been approached back ..

"My companions are going to get you better Go on, try to leave some scraps if I can "

The hyena escaped and joined his comrades

" Nick you have gone crazy, I'm the oldest of the group and if I order you to escape, you escape ....
What did you talk? "

" I told him that I like ... "

was Robert Stone and Bud began to roll in the floor laughing

continues next week ...

A small school in Savannah, pupils are puppies of all breeds of animals existing in that territory, Romolo (the elephant) every day will tell, stories that have made some myths
savannah animals .... I believe in this project, I'm working on other but this is something special .....

Church Banquet Program

Savana's school

Siamo nella savana,oggi è il primo giorno di scuola per molti cuccioli,sono tutti riuniti vicino ad una pozza d'acqua ,ci sono piccoli di leone,di gazzella,zebra, iena e altri ancora.Dopo poco la terra inizia a tremare,vediamo arrivare un elefante gigantesco,si ferma vicino al piccolo gruppo ed inizia a parlare:
"La savana è un luogo dove tutto è possibile,oggi potrei narrarvi le gesta eroiche della zebra Buba oppure dei sogni di Joy ,il rinoceronte che voleva volare ...Ho deciso però di raccontarvi di Nick la iena innamorata,che sfidava la propria natura per amore.....
Che maleducato ! Mi sono dimenticato di presentarmi, io sono Romolo il vostro insegnante di narrativa,quindi aprite bene le orecchie,perché poi a casa mi dovrete fare il riassunto."

Dal piccolo gruppo un cucciolo di iena si fece avanti e titubante alzò la zampa.

"Maestro lei ha detto che una iena ha sfidato la natura,quindi non è vero quello che dicono tutti ?"

" Cosa direbbero?"

La piccola iena con lo sguardo verso il basso rispose

"Dicono che noi siamo dei codardi...."

L'elefante guardò il piccolo cucciolo tremante e poi rispose:

"non esistono animals cowards, every day we challenge the world, everything is against us, but we get up and move on, now you tell the deeds of your ancestor, I hope this will teach you something ...."

The whole class was silent staring at the elephant.

"Well let's start ....
was a day like many others in the bush, a group of lions he was hunting, hidden in the tall grass, there were also three hyenas who watched the scene.

"Nick as soon as the lions have done, we come into action and try to take away more meat ..... Nick can you listening? Nick, wake up!"

Nick, that the hyena was younger, it was as mesmerized by the lions, in Lisa particular a young specimen of three years.

"I knew Robert, but because we have to steal food for lions? Will give us to mind our own business and leave them in peace?"

Next to Robert and Nick there was Bud, a hyena in the same age as Nick, but with a few dozen pounds heavier ..

"Nick is in love, you did not know Robert?"

Nick embarrassed Bud motioned him to stop.

"Go ahead Bud, who is in love with Nick?"

"Di Lisa, the young lioness group uauauuaua"

"Stop Bud, none of your business, do not say anything!?"

Robert glowered his companion

"Nick did not want to make me your own business, but as a senior I have to warn you of some things .... You know who gave me this scar in 'left eye, leaving me half-blind? E' was Clara, the lioness more older group who see the front ... We are not lions, hyenas are we feed them scraps of taking advantage of their carelessness .... Listen to my advice, stalls away ...

Meanwhile, the hunting of lions was continuing , had spotted a zebra, and they immediately had rushed at the animal but it was very fast and was able to plant all but Lisa.
The zebra was heading at full speed towards the hideout of the three hyenas, Robert was the first to notice.

"Away we go away or we will be crushed!"

Robert Bud and fled, while Nick stood firm and motionless, awaiting the arrival of prey.

"Nick come away, will kill you!"

Nick waited for the right moment and then jumped on him taking it to the zebra by the neck, the 'animal lost his balance and fell. Lisa took him to arrive shortly, with the zebra took a leap to a thigh, the fighting did not last long and the zebra had the worst, after Lisa began to get close to Nick

"Who are you? Another thief of food?"

The lioness was getting nearer and more threatening, but Nick did not move an inch ..

"I'm not a thief, I I helped take the zebra, it's yours take it "

Lisa was now in front of the hyena ..

" I do not believe your words, because then the 'would you have done? "

Nick replied without a second

"Because I like you!"

Lisa had been petrified as the response of the hyena, he did not believe her ears, while the group of lions had been approached back ..

"My companions are going to get you better Go on, try to leave some scraps if I can "

The hyena escaped and joined his comrades

" Nick you have gone crazy, I'm the oldest of the group and if I order you to escape, you escape ....
What did you talk? "

" I told him that I like ... "

was Robert Stone and Bud began to roll in the floor laughing

continues next week ...

A small school in Savannah, pupils are puppies of all breeds of animals existing in that territory, Romolo (the elephant) every day will tell, stories that have made some myths
savannah animals .... I believe in this project, I'm working on other but this is something special .....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Scars From Ingrown Hairs On Stomach

L'identità salentina

Gente di quì

Antonio Errico

Uno si chiama Antonio De Ferrariis , detto Galateo perchè nato a Galatone tra il 1444 e il ’48, da Pietro, notaio, and Jeanne D 'Alessandro.
was doctor, writer, lover of philosophy and know things in heaven and on earth, the author of a wonder that is titled Liber de situ Iapygiae .
He said: "We are not ashamed of our origins. We are Greeks and this is our reason for pride. The divine Plato thanked the gods had bestowed upon him for everything, but especially for these three reasons: having given birth to man and beast, male and female, greek and barbarian. "
Then he said that his father had studied Greek and Latin letters, which his ancestors were Greek priests, who know deep in literature, scripture and theology, "not famous for being separate the use of weapons, ie violence, massacres and pillage, but to morals and the sanctity of life. " Then
also confessed to be ashamed of being born in Italy, "although some writers have placed the Iapigi outside Italy." If Greece is going to ruin because of his age and the adverse fortune, Italy crumbles for its choices and intestine quarrels. If Greece was enslaved for forced, Italy has become a slave of himself. Several times
Greece liberated Italy dall'asservimento barbarians and Italy agreed that Greece will become a servant. So diceva.
Infine la previsione dolorosamente serena: “Ma noi espiamo ed espieremo il fio delle nostre azioni scellerate. Infatti le nostre sventure, come vediamo, non sono ancora giunte al culmine”.
Non voleva essere un cattivo auspicio. Solo che ci sono uomini che vedono lontano, molto più lontano degli altri uomini. A volte con rammarico, forse.
Dal suo rifugio salentino, Antonio Galateo vedeva lontano. A volte con rammarico, forse.

L’altro si chiama Giuseppe Desa . Nacque a Copertino il 17 giugno dell’anno 1603, ultimo di sei figli di Felice e Francesca Panara. Racconta Giuseppe Ignazio Montanari che non aveva più di otto anni quando “ standosi in orazione , e fisso col pensiero nelle cose di Dio era ratto quasi estatico fuor de’ sensi, e stavasi così lung’ora cogli occhi sbarrati, le mani levate in cielo, le labbra aperte, e tutto immobile della persona”.
Irascibile. Lento. Svagato. Vagolava senza meta. Inconcludente. Incapace.
Anche il tentativo di fare il calzolaio gli fallì.
Però volava.
“Oh ma’ – diceva – volo, ma’”. Volava.
Più di settanta volte – si narra – fu visto sollevarsi.
Rimase sospeso in aria anche mentre il Tribunale dell’Inquisizione lo interrogava.
Giuseppe Boccaperta: “Illetterato et idiota”. Il Frate Asino, il Santo dei voli. Se ne andò in giro per il mondo con la bocca aperta. Il più grande santo tra i santi, dice Carmelo Bene. Colui che eccede la santità stessa. Sommo lusso della sancta sanctorum: levitare.
L’estasi di fra’ Giuseppe e il congiungimento fra la terra e il cielo. E’ la mediazione tra il transeunte e l’eterno, l’andirivieni fra due realtà lontane. L’estasi è l’esperienza di un altro tempo e di un altro spazio. L’oltrepassamento di un confine fisico e psichico, un’esaltazione della dimensione sensoriale, il superamento della propria umanità e il ritorno ad essa. E’ la trasfigurazione dell’ essere, una distrazione dalla finitudine per un’attrazione verso infinity, the development of truth in the form of mystery. It 's the thought that goes beyond himself.
ecstasy, Joseph creature is not terrestrial, not celestial creature. Probably it is the messenger of God and with men of God among men.

Two images.

A dall'explicit de The manufacturer of harmony, that point where Antonio Verri Etiquette does say to the people here is the color of the sea, the pace of wave, the heart's eyes. He says it is amazing these people, even in pain, even when he screams, quando impreca. “ Questa gente ha l’umore di questa terra, cresce con essa, ad essa confida i suoi mali, le sue gioie, i suoi dubbi, le sue ondulate tristezze”. Qua si impreca alla morte. I paesi parlano con le campane. Il suono spande la sua ombra su distese di fieno. Due vecchi sulla chiesa sono una carezza d’infinito: “ l’infinito si può scovare dappertutto in questo posto, e ogni cosa, ogni persona, ha un suo particolare stupore, dolore”.

Ecco. Qui, in Salento, l’infinito è un’ epifania consueta. La sua idea non viene dall’armonia di paesaggi, da lunghi e aperti e profondi orizzonti, dalla natura che si appalesa in forme, in terms of time, but from an intimate feeling towards his life by the lights and shadows of thought, by the lightness and anxieties that conspire to exist, by the enigma that we see in the facts of history that belongs to us, the which we belong, sometimes with pride, sometimes reluctantly. The other image is coming from 'popular religious iconography: St. Joseph who gets up in flight over the olive groves and on men and women amazed. That monaco fighter flying through the trees, says Vittorio Bodini, synthesis and becomes a metaphor for the people here, that the anxiety to shift somewhere else, looking for overrunning, deviates from the condition of time and space, affronta il passaggio nei territori del mistero, in una tensione verso il simbolico e l’astrazione.

E’ la levità del pensiero, la sua confusione con il vento; è anche l’artificio di un movimento estremo e folle di congiungimento con la bellezza, con la rivelazione, con l’ultraterreno. In queste due immagini, la terra e il cielo si fanno proposizione di un desiderio di polarità e di sdoppiamento, di terrena concretezza e di trasognato stupore. Di quel desiderio che prova la gente di qui.

Scars From Ingrown Hairs On Stomach

L'identità salentina

Gente di quì

Antonio Errico

Uno si chiama Antonio De Ferrariis , detto Galateo perchè nato a Galatone tra il 1444 e il ’48, da Pietro, notaio, and Jeanne D 'Alessandro.
was doctor, writer, lover of philosophy and know things in heaven and on earth, the author of a wonder that is titled Liber de situ Iapygiae .
He said: "We are not ashamed of our origins. We are Greeks and this is our reason for pride. The divine Plato thanked the gods had bestowed upon him for everything, but especially for these three reasons: having given birth to man and beast, male and female, greek and barbarian. "
Then he said that his father had studied Greek and Latin letters, which his ancestors were Greek priests, who know deep in literature, scripture and theology, "not famous for being separate the use of weapons, ie violence, massacres and pillage, but to morals and the sanctity of life. " Then
also confessed to be ashamed of being born in Italy, "although some writers have placed the Iapigi outside Italy." If Greece is going to ruin because of his age and the adverse fortune, Italy crumbles for its choices and intestine quarrels. If Greece was enslaved for forced, Italy has become a slave of himself. Several times
Greece liberated Italy dall'asservimento barbarians and Italy agreed that Greece will become a servant. So diceva.
Infine la previsione dolorosamente serena: “Ma noi espiamo ed espieremo il fio delle nostre azioni scellerate. Infatti le nostre sventure, come vediamo, non sono ancora giunte al culmine”.
Non voleva essere un cattivo auspicio. Solo che ci sono uomini che vedono lontano, molto più lontano degli altri uomini. A volte con rammarico, forse.
Dal suo rifugio salentino, Antonio Galateo vedeva lontano. A volte con rammarico, forse.

L’altro si chiama Giuseppe Desa . Nacque a Copertino il 17 giugno dell’anno 1603, ultimo di sei figli di Felice e Francesca Panara. Racconta Giuseppe Ignazio Montanari che non aveva più di otto anni quando “ standosi in orazione , e fisso col pensiero nelle cose di Dio era ratto quasi estatico fuor de’ sensi, e stavasi così lung’ora cogli occhi sbarrati, le mani levate in cielo, le labbra aperte, e tutto immobile della persona”.
Irascibile. Lento. Svagato. Vagolava senza meta. Inconcludente. Incapace.
Anche il tentativo di fare il calzolaio gli fallì.
Però volava.
“Oh ma’ – diceva – volo, ma’”. Volava.
Più di settanta volte – si narra – fu visto sollevarsi.
Rimase sospeso in aria anche mentre il Tribunale dell’Inquisizione lo interrogava.
Giuseppe Boccaperta: “Illetterato et idiota”. Il Frate Asino, il Santo dei voli. Se ne andò in giro per il mondo con la bocca aperta. Il più grande santo tra i santi, dice Carmelo Bene. Colui che eccede la santità stessa. Sommo lusso della sancta sanctorum: levitare.
L’estasi di fra’ Giuseppe e il congiungimento fra la terra e il cielo. E’ la mediazione tra il transeunte e l’eterno, l’andirivieni fra due realtà lontane. L’estasi è l’esperienza di un altro tempo e di un altro spazio. L’oltrepassamento di un confine fisico e psichico, un’esaltazione della dimensione sensoriale, il superamento della propria umanità e il ritorno ad essa. E’ la trasfigurazione dell’ essere, una distrazione dalla finitudine per un’attrazione verso infinity, the development of truth in the form of mystery. It 's the thought that goes beyond himself.
ecstasy, Joseph creature is not terrestrial, not celestial creature. Probably it is the messenger of God and with men of God among men.

Two images.

A dall'explicit de The manufacturer of harmony, that point where Antonio Verri Etiquette does say to the people here is the color of the sea, the pace of wave, the heart's eyes. He says it is amazing these people, even in pain, even when he screams, quando impreca. “ Questa gente ha l’umore di questa terra, cresce con essa, ad essa confida i suoi mali, le sue gioie, i suoi dubbi, le sue ondulate tristezze”. Qua si impreca alla morte. I paesi parlano con le campane. Il suono spande la sua ombra su distese di fieno. Due vecchi sulla chiesa sono una carezza d’infinito: “ l’infinito si può scovare dappertutto in questo posto, e ogni cosa, ogni persona, ha un suo particolare stupore, dolore”.

Ecco. Qui, in Salento, l’infinito è un’ epifania consueta. La sua idea non viene dall’armonia di paesaggi, da lunghi e aperti e profondi orizzonti, dalla natura che si appalesa in forme, in terms of time, but from an intimate feeling towards his life by the lights and shadows of thought, by the lightness and anxieties that conspire to exist, by the enigma that we see in the facts of history that belongs to us, the which we belong, sometimes with pride, sometimes reluctantly. The other image is coming from 'popular religious iconography: St. Joseph who gets up in flight over the olive groves and on men and women amazed. That monaco fighter flying through the trees, says Vittorio Bodini, synthesis and becomes a metaphor for the people here, that the anxiety to shift somewhere else, looking for overrunning, deviates from the condition of time and space, affronta il passaggio nei territori del mistero, in una tensione verso il simbolico e l’astrazione.

E’ la levità del pensiero, la sua confusione con il vento; è anche l’artificio di un movimento estremo e folle di congiungimento con la bellezza, con la rivelazione, con l’ultraterreno. In queste due immagini, la terra e il cielo si fanno proposizione di un desiderio di polarità e di sdoppiamento, di terrena concretezza e di trasognato stupore. Di quel desiderio che prova la gente di qui.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

How To Tell If A Table Is Solid Wood

Estate'09, le opportunità di campi di lavoro

I Campi di volontariato

Migliaia di volontarie e volontari from different regions of Italy and the world each year choose to do a 'work experience, volunteering and taking part in training civilian labor camps on land confiscated from the mafia and run by Libera Terra social cooperatives. Concrete sign of a will, increasingly popular among young people, wanting to be first in line and you want to translate this into concrete action their commitment to solidarity and sharing. The fields are
summer experience that more often is just the beginning or is already part of a broader process that young people embark on the path of legality, awareness and commitment in the fight against the mafia. The fields are divided into different moments: morning work activities for the recovery of property confiscated and their productivity. Next to manual labor are organized opportunities for training and information on issues of legality, the social use of assets, of the mafia. The evening finally becomes a moment of encounter and engagement between volunteers and between volunteers and local communities through initiatives of territorial and social occasions. Be present would emphasize the attention of those who, increasingly, they believe in the development of the management of assets seized as a resource for economic development, social and cultural environment.

Land and Freedom Fields Legambiente
For summer 2009, in cooperation with the Freedom of regional coordination, with the cooperatives Libera Terra and Legambiente organizes different types of labor camps on the goods confiscated

FIELD FOR MINORS (in collaboration with LEGAMBIENTE)
- 5 / July 15 ' 09 - Libera Piemonte - House Hunting, San Sebastiano da Po '(Chivasso) - Jose Maria Fava - mj.fava @
CAMPS FOR ADULTS (In collaboration with LEGAMBIENTE)
- July 28 / Aug. 6 '09 - Sun Consortium - Naples Province - Fabio Giuliani - giuliani.fabio @
- 21/30 July '09 - Mesa (BR) - Coop. Terre di Puglia - Ivano Daviencienti -
- 3 / 12 Aug. '09 - Polistena - Coop. Valley del Marro - Antonio Napoli -
- 20/30 luglio '09 - Castel Volturno (CE) - Tina Cioffo -
- 20/31 luglio '09 - Gergei (CA) - Paola Aresu -
- 1/11 settembre '09 - Coop. Placido Rizzotto e Pio La Torre - Contrada Kaggiotto, San Cipirello (PA) - Francesco Galante -

in collaborazione con PAX CHRISTI - movimento cattolico internazionale per la pace
- 9 -18 agosto 2009 presso la Casa per la pace - Impruneta (Firenze)
Per iscrizioni e informazioni contattare: CARMINE CAMPANA - o chiamare allo 05 5 23 74 505

Campi di lavoro per i gruppi organizzati

I gruppi organizzati, invece, possono contattare direttamente i referenti delle cooperative per individuare i periodi disponibili e per le richieste particolari, a seguire i contatti:
- Sicilia - Coop. Placido Rizzotto e cooperativa Pio la Torre - Francesco Galante - mail
- Calabria - Coop. Valle del Marro - Antonio Napoli - ; Calabria - Bovalino (RC) - Libera Locride - Francesco Rigitano -
- Puglia - Coop. Terre di Puglia - Ivano Devicienti -
- Campania - Castel Volturno - Tina Cioffo -
- Sardegna - Gergei - Paola Aresu -
- Piemonte - Cascina Caccia - San Sebastiano da Po' - Chivasso Libera Piemonte - Maria Josè Fava -

Per maggiori informazioni contattare l'indirizzo email
o chiamare 06 69 77 03 01

Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie.
Via IV Novembre, 98 - 00187 Roma

How To Tell If A Table Is Solid Wood

Estate'09, le opportunità di campi di lavoro

I Campi di volontariato

Migliaia di volontarie e volontari from different regions of Italy and the world each year choose to do a 'work experience, volunteering and taking part in training civilian labor camps on land confiscated from the mafia and run by Libera Terra social cooperatives. Concrete sign of a will, increasingly popular among young people, wanting to be first in line and you want to translate this into concrete action their commitment to solidarity and sharing. The fields are
summer experience that more often is just the beginning or is already part of a broader process that young people embark on the path of legality, awareness and commitment in the fight against the mafia. The fields are divided into different moments: morning work activities for the recovery of property confiscated and their productivity. Next to manual labor are organized opportunities for training and information on issues of legality, the social use of assets, of the mafia. The evening finally becomes a moment of encounter and engagement between volunteers and between volunteers and local communities through initiatives of territorial and social occasions. Be present would emphasize the attention of those who, increasingly, they believe in the development of the management of assets seized as a resource for economic development, social and cultural environment.

Land and Freedom Fields Legambiente
For summer 2009, in cooperation with the Freedom of regional coordination, with the cooperatives Libera Terra and Legambiente organizes different types of labor camps on the goods confiscated

FIELD FOR MINORS (in collaboration with LEGAMBIENTE)
- 5 / July 15 ' 09 - Libera Piemonte - House Hunting, San Sebastiano da Po '(Chivasso) - Jose Maria Fava - mj.fava @
CAMPS FOR ADULTS (In collaboration with LEGAMBIENTE)
- July 28 / Aug. 6 '09 - Sun Consortium - Naples Province - Fabio Giuliani - giuliani.fabio @
- 21/30 July '09 - Mesa (BR) - Coop. Terre di Puglia - Ivano Daviencienti -
- 3 / 12 Aug. '09 - Polistena - Coop. Valley del Marro - Antonio Napoli -
- 20/30 luglio '09 - Castel Volturno (CE) - Tina Cioffo -
- 20/31 luglio '09 - Gergei (CA) - Paola Aresu -
- 1/11 settembre '09 - Coop. Placido Rizzotto e Pio La Torre - Contrada Kaggiotto, San Cipirello (PA) - Francesco Galante -

in collaborazione con PAX CHRISTI - movimento cattolico internazionale per la pace
- 9 -18 agosto 2009 presso la Casa per la pace - Impruneta (Firenze)
Per iscrizioni e informazioni contattare: CARMINE CAMPANA - o chiamare allo 05 5 23 74 505

Campi di lavoro per i gruppi organizzati

I gruppi organizzati, invece, possono contattare direttamente i referenti delle cooperative per individuare i periodi disponibili e per le richieste particolari, a seguire i contatti:
- Sicilia - Coop. Placido Rizzotto e cooperativa Pio la Torre - Francesco Galante - mail
- Calabria - Coop. Valle del Marro - Antonio Napoli - ; Calabria - Bovalino (RC) - Libera Locride - Francesco Rigitano -
- Puglia - Coop. Terre di Puglia - Ivano Devicienti -
- Campania - Castel Volturno - Tina Cioffo -
- Sardegna - Gergei - Paola Aresu -
- Piemonte - Cascina Caccia - San Sebastiano da Po' - Chivasso Libera Piemonte - Maria Josè Fava -

Per maggiori informazioni contattare l'indirizzo email
o chiamare 06 69 77 03 01

Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie.
Via IV Novembre, 98 - 00187 Roma

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Nipples Getting Pierced


E 'to an ordinary day preparation of local television with cheese and pepper ", is about to be delivered on the 20 o'clock news, and as usual the commentator Nando is late ...

" Nando, you can not always arrive late to the next you chased away "

The man sits smiling in the counter:

"Caesar what I paid for it already so I come ...."

"Nando never mind, I recommend it only from the news and not make comments like the last time! "

" Caesar I'm a television commentator and then comment, if I do I lick the your work or go to work elsewhere and do not need to tell doveg7 .... "

Caesar would have struck, but there was no time, so he gave the leaves Nando news and was part of the symbol.

"Good evening, everybody, let's not waste time and hear the latest news from our beautiful country.

Members of the PDL after the landslide victory in the European elections have said that now take their values \u200b\u200bin first blind minister, you know who I'm talking about,

that of the party at the villa of our President of Board, has resigned to enter the European parliament, I think he wants to continue to share certain values \u200b\u200bwith our MPs. "

Caesar after that comment had put his hands in his hair.

“Passiamo alla prossima notizia,un gruppo di ricercatori di San Diego,ha appena divulgato gli esiti di una loro ricerca ,la quale dimostrerebbe che un sonno tranquillo aiuterebbe a risolvere i problemi….

Secondo fonti attendibili questa ricerca è stata finanziata dal gruppo italiano denominato Fininvest , infatti non c’è dubbio che da quando gli italiani dormono per il nostro presidente i problemi sono spariti”

Cesare ormai era passato a piangere senza sosta…

“Ed ecco l’ultima notizia appena giunta in redazione,il ministro della pubblica amministrazione ha dichiarato che il salario degli italiani sta guadagnando potere d’ acquisto…”

Nando avvicina il foglio per vedere se a letto giusto,poi prende il telefono

“Scusate devo comunicare con la redazione….Cesare ma è vera sta notizia?No ,perché non vorrei che qualcuno mi stesse fregando i soldi , visto che la mia busta paga cries the same old misery. ... ah ... I understand, talking to their salaries for a change .... "

Nando terminating the call to turn back to the audience at home

"Dear viewers, and all from your Nando, a suggestion if I were you I start to sleep less, the problems must be solved to wake up ..."

The Nipples Getting Pierced


E 'to an ordinary day preparation of local television with cheese and pepper ", is about to be delivered on the 20 o'clock news, and as usual the commentator Nando is late ...

" Nando, you can not always arrive late to the next you chased away "

The man sits smiling in the counter:

"Caesar what I paid for it already so I come ...."

"Nando never mind, I recommend it only from the news and not make comments like the last time! "

" Caesar I'm a television commentator and then comment, if I do I lick the your work or go to work elsewhere and do not need to tell doveg7 .... "

Caesar would have struck, but there was no time, so he gave the leaves Nando news and was part of the symbol.

"Good evening, everybody, let's not waste time and hear the latest news from our beautiful country.

Members of the PDL after the landslide victory in the European elections have said that now take their values \u200b\u200bin first blind minister, you know who I'm talking about,

that of the party at the villa of our President of Board, has resigned to enter the European parliament, I think he wants to continue to share certain values \u200b\u200bwith our MPs. "

Caesar after that comment had put his hands in his hair.

“Passiamo alla prossima notizia,un gruppo di ricercatori di San Diego,ha appena divulgato gli esiti di una loro ricerca ,la quale dimostrerebbe che un sonno tranquillo aiuterebbe a risolvere i problemi….

Secondo fonti attendibili questa ricerca è stata finanziata dal gruppo italiano denominato Fininvest , infatti non c’è dubbio che da quando gli italiani dormono per il nostro presidente i problemi sono spariti”

Cesare ormai era passato a piangere senza sosta…

“Ed ecco l’ultima notizia appena giunta in redazione,il ministro della pubblica amministrazione ha dichiarato che il salario degli italiani sta guadagnando potere d’ acquisto…”

Nando avvicina il foglio per vedere se a letto giusto,poi prende il telefono

“Scusate devo comunicare con la redazione….Cesare ma è vera sta notizia?No ,perché non vorrei che qualcuno mi stesse fregando i soldi , visto che la mia busta paga cries the same old misery. ... ah ... I understand, talking to their salaries for a change .... "

Nando terminating the call to turn back to the audience at home

"Dear viewers, and all from your Nando, a suggestion if I were you I start to sleep less, the problems must be solved to wake up ..."

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nylon Feet Womens Feet


Today, Robert had to be a great day, finalmente dopo 2 anni di precariato era arrivato il momento tanto atteso,la firma sul nuovo contratto di lavoro.
Roberto per l'occasione si era messo la tuta da lavoro migliore che aveva arrivando in ditta con largo anticipo,non capita tutti i giorni di firmare un contratto a tempo indeterminato.
Il ragazzo aveva solo 20 anni,ma dopo aver sudato le 14 fatiche del precario DOC , finalmente si apprestava a fare il grande salto...indeterminato!Roberto aveva riflettuto a lungo sul significato di quella parola e ogni tanto qualche dubbio, sindacalista e comunista per giunta ,gli sfiorava la mente.
Guardava i proprietari della sua azienda, erano molto più vecchi di lui e non capiva se era il suo di tempo ad essere indeterminato , Or their ...
I doubt, however, were not strong enough to make him desist, and the smile that morning at 16 / 9 radiated grim faces of his colleagues.
The day ended quickly and Roberto was called by his boss in administration, just walked in the office noticed that the atmosphere was not that large cerimonie.Il her boss made her brief said he had prepared an extension of another year under the same terms and conditions, give or take .... Roberto
timidly asked the chief if he remembered what he said two years ago, trying to remember the open-ended contract that was promised after the period of apprenticeship.
The head of course denied everything and then stunned Roberto said

"she promised, she gave me the hand!"

chief said, lowering his head:

"promises to today 's must be authenticated with a handshake but with a signature on a piece of paper ...." Roberto

going home thinking the words of his boss, remembered his first handshake, had passed away 16 years, his cousin had lent his car remote as long as he held the mouth shut about some trouble he had done .
remembered his words

"give me your word you will say nothing" and then he shook my hand ...

Roberto was small and did not understand the gesture's cousin said,

"any agreement between men signed with a handshake that is to give more value to their word "

Roberto got home went in his room, on the wall of his room dominated by a poster on everything thor , iron man, cap, shook hands to give an even stronger sign of their union ...
The boy thought to the words of his boss and tried to imagine his heroes bend to sign a contract on a desk ....
Roberto thought after that was even more convinced of the decision, he had cleared his head with a few simple words:
"I can not work for someone with so little importance to a handshake, mi vergogno per lei..."

Il ragazzo Guardo nuovamente il poster e pensando ad alta voce disse:
" Chissà se Thor usa il martello per firmare...."

Nylon Feet Womens Feet


Today, Robert had to be a great day, finalmente dopo 2 anni di precariato era arrivato il momento tanto atteso,la firma sul nuovo contratto di lavoro.
Roberto per l'occasione si era messo la tuta da lavoro migliore che aveva arrivando in ditta con largo anticipo,non capita tutti i giorni di firmare un contratto a tempo indeterminato.
Il ragazzo aveva solo 20 anni,ma dopo aver sudato le 14 fatiche del precario DOC , finalmente si apprestava a fare il grande salto...indeterminato!Roberto aveva riflettuto a lungo sul significato di quella parola e ogni tanto qualche dubbio, sindacalista e comunista per giunta ,gli sfiorava la mente.
Guardava i proprietari della sua azienda, erano molto più vecchi di lui e non capiva se era il suo di tempo ad essere indeterminato , Or their ...
I doubt, however, were not strong enough to make him desist, and the smile that morning at 16 / 9 radiated grim faces of his colleagues.
The day ended quickly and Roberto was called by his boss in administration, just walked in the office noticed that the atmosphere was not that large cerimonie.Il her boss made her brief said he had prepared an extension of another year under the same terms and conditions, give or take .... Roberto
timidly asked the chief if he remembered what he said two years ago, trying to remember the open-ended contract that was promised after the period of apprenticeship.
The head of course denied everything and then stunned Roberto said

"she promised, she gave me the hand!"

chief said, lowering his head:

"promises to today 's must be authenticated with a handshake but with a signature on a piece of paper ...." Roberto

going home thinking the words of his boss, remembered his first handshake, had passed away 16 years, his cousin had lent his car remote as long as he held the mouth shut about some trouble he had done .
remembered his words

"give me your word you will say nothing" and then he shook my hand ...

Roberto was small and did not understand the gesture's cousin said,

"any agreement between men signed with a handshake that is to give more value to their word "

Roberto got home went in his room, on the wall of his room dominated by a poster on everything thor , iron man, cap, shook hands to give an even stronger sign of their union ...
The boy thought to the words of his boss and tried to imagine his heroes bend to sign a contract on a desk ....
Roberto thought after that was even more convinced of the decision, he had cleared his head with a few simple words:
"I can not work for someone with so little importance to a handshake, mi vergogno per lei..."

Il ragazzo Guardo nuovamente il poster e pensando ad alta voce disse:
" Chissà se Thor usa il martello per firmare...."