Monday, February 16, 2009

Kit To Make A Roman Blind Australia

Fanon-La venuta dell'impero

The club had just shot grazed the side of Fanon, but this was enough to cause him excruciating pain, it was true that fight a mountain troll was not a joke.
Fanon began to turn around its enemy, it was huge and powerful but could not be as fast as him and also the elf aveva dalla sua i poteri magici della sua terra .Improvvisamente il troll scattò in avanti facendo roteare la mazza di legno sopra la testa ,Fanon stavolta non si fece prendere alla sprovvista ,scattò verso il suo nemico e prima che questi potesse fare qualcosa sguainò la sua spada e tenendola con tutte e due le mani colpì il troll alla gamba destra.
Il troll ruggi dal dolore,la ferita sanguinava abbondantemente,Fanon senza perder tempo riattaccò il gigante,non voleva far prender fiato al nemico,anche perché sapeva che non gli sarebbero capitate molte altre occasioni come quelle.
L' elfo scattò nuovamente in avanti con la spada tenuta sopra la testa sempre a due mani,arrivato vicino al nemico fece un balzo,questa volta Fanon was aimed at the head, the troll but found the strength to react and parried with the big club colpo.La the parade was so powerful that Fenon was thrown against a tree, the pain had taken away almost all the forces of the ELF, which raised from the ground with difficulty.

"I never thought that this troll could give me all these problems, I will again use the magic"

Fenon put one knee and touching the ground with the palm of his hand, uttered the magic words tramandategli from our ancestors.

"Tula, hama neva i'naur"

troll under the feet of the sprouted roots that grounded, the giant could not shake the more you move, the more the roots coiled upon him. Fanon
snapped forward again, this time his enemy could not do anything was completely blocked, the shot went down quickly and inexorably, the troll did not even have time to breathe the sword had cut cleanly through the head from the neck.

"The mountain trolls do not go so far away from their territories,
know very well that they are not welcome here.

Fanon approached the troll who was lying lifeless on the floor and began to watch him carefully.

" This armor made by expert hands, and no solta leather vest with iron rings typical of this breed, there can be only one explanation, the great war is about to begin.
I have to go back to Alaxia and warn everyone, we can not find us unprepared and this time, we must resist the empire! "


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