This year is the time to Lucca comics, is the fifth edition of which I am after.
Founded in 2001, "New Workshop Onlus "is a non-profit social, registered in the Regional Volunteer with DD No. 18 of 19/02/2007 of the Campania region and is secular, independent association that is based on free labor of its volunteers and seeks solely to charitable purposes. Within the Association opera un gruppo di volontari medici, denominato “Brigata Medica Internazionale”, che viene impegnato per interventi umanitari a sostegno delle popolazioni più povere e disagiate del Sud del Mondo.
Since 2001 New Workshop has carried out important projects in Central America (construction of a People's Clinic in San Rafael del Norte - Nicaragua, strengthening the Dispensary Medical Sansebastiani de Yali - Nicaragua, etc.). has created several medical missions in Nicaragua (Only the last mission in January 2008 were made about 3,000 visits and distributed for free over 400 kg of drugs shipped from Italy), have fostered a "twinning" between primary and secondary schools of the district of Salerno and peers in schools Nicaragua (sent to the school the poorest of the Municipality of San Rafael del Norte office supplies, uniforms and school bags for 60 children), has sent 1000 new clothing to the parish priest of San Sebastian de Yali - Nicaragua to start a small business ( tienda) in support of a project for poor children of the Community, has developed projects Development Education in schools in the Province of Salerno per educare i giovani alla Solidarietà, all’Intercultura, alla Pace e allo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Progetto: “Giornate di Solidarietà” – anni 2004/2005 e Progetto: “Diritti Negati” – anni 2006/2007), oltre a progetti di Educazione Sanitaria (InformAids) nelle scuole delle Province di Salerno e Napoli e tante iniziative socio-culturali.
Il link dell'associazione è:
un ringraziamento ad Enrico del sito di tutto cartoni
Founded in 2001, "New Workshop Onlus "is a non-profit social, registered in the Regional Volunteer with DD No. 18 of 19/02/2007 of the Campania region and is secular, independent association that is based on free labor of its volunteers and seeks solely to charitable purposes. Within the Association opera un gruppo di volontari medici, denominato “Brigata Medica Internazionale”, che viene impegnato per interventi umanitari a sostegno delle popolazioni più povere e disagiate del Sud del Mondo.
Since 2001 New Workshop has carried out important projects in Central America (construction of a People's Clinic in San Rafael del Norte - Nicaragua, strengthening the Dispensary Medical Sansebastiani de Yali - Nicaragua, etc.). has created several medical missions in Nicaragua (Only the last mission in January 2008 were made about 3,000 visits and distributed for free over 400 kg of drugs shipped from Italy), have fostered a "twinning" between primary and secondary schools of the district of Salerno and peers in schools Nicaragua (sent to the school the poorest of the Municipality of San Rafael del Norte office supplies, uniforms and school bags for 60 children), has sent 1000 new clothing to the parish priest of San Sebastian de Yali - Nicaragua to start a small business ( tienda) in support of a project for poor children of the Community, has developed projects Development Education in schools in the Province of Salerno per educare i giovani alla Solidarietà, all’Intercultura, alla Pace e allo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Progetto: “Giornate di Solidarietà” – anni 2004/2005 e Progetto: “Diritti Negati” – anni 2006/2007), oltre a progetti di Educazione Sanitaria (InformAids) nelle scuole delle Province di Salerno e Napoli e tante iniziative socio-culturali.
Il link dell'associazione è:
un ringraziamento ad Enrico del sito di tutto cartoni