Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Spouse Snores With Mouth Closed Help


Dives in a moment of intimacy in the midst of the crowd Sunday afternoon.
Miss no no, her favorite dress and her mom:)
I like this photo, even if my hair hues that bring to that of iron)
I still watch it all finding new symbols. Staying there on a very old bridge to dance as if there was nothing else in the world. Suspended. Far from it. Paris. Nursery school. Tissues and scissors that I left this morning on the table. From a small shop that looks to be on holiday but prepare something new:) The life of every day ...
Yet life is there, standing in autumn so different from others in this city so different from ours. Just us 4 ...

A momento di Gioiosa intimità catturato nella folla della domenica pomeriggio.
Miss no no, it suo vestito preferito e la sua mamma :)
I love this photo, despite my horrible hair seems to have nuances iron:)
continues to affect and to find new symbols. To stand there, dancing on a very old bridge, as if there were nothing else to do in the world. Suspended. Far from all. From Paris. From nursery school. From sad thoughts. Tissues and scissors that I left corner before going out. From a small shop that seems on vacation and instead prepares new things:) The life of every day ... However, our life is right here, right now. In this autumn so different from the others in this city so different from ours. Just us 4. At least for a while ...

My Spouse Snores With Mouth Closed Help


Dives in a moment of intimacy in the midst of the crowd Sunday afternoon.
Miss no no, her favorite dress and her mom:)
I like this photo, even if my hair hues that bring to that of iron)
I still watch it all finding new symbols. Staying there on a very old bridge to dance as if there was nothing else in the world. Suspended. Far from it. Paris. Nursery school. Tissues and scissors that I left this morning on the table. From a small shop that looks to be on holiday but prepare something new:) The life of every day ...
Yet life is there, standing in autumn so different from others in this city so different from ours. Just us 4 ...

A momento di Gioiosa intimità catturato nella folla della domenica pomeriggio.
Miss no no, it suo vestito preferito e la sua mamma :)
I love this photo, despite my horrible hair seems to have nuances iron:)
continues to affect and to find new symbols. To stand there, dancing on a very old bridge, as if there were nothing else to do in the world. Suspended. Far from all. From Paris. From nursery school. From sad thoughts. Tissues and scissors that I left corner before going out. From a small shop that seems on vacation and instead prepares new things:) The life of every day ... However, our life is right here, right now. In this autumn so different from the others in this city so different from ours. Just us 4. At least for a while ...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

When I Brush My Tongue I Spit Blood

Kiki and Coco in Paris

photo Sthepanie Rausser

a mom photographer ❤ ❤ a little girl a doll dream ❤ ❤ a camera Paris
= ;
everything that I ❤ ...! Look here

, break for dream ...

When I Brush My Tongue I Spit Blood

Kiki and Coco in Paris

photo Sthepanie Rausser

a mom photographer ❤ ❤ a little girl a doll dream ❤ ❤ a camera Paris
= ;
everything that I ❤ ...! Look here

, break for dream ...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Which Meat Boosts Testasterone

colori d'autunno...

Aspettare, anticipare, spiare, like every year, the first signs of autumn. The first, after that it's special ' last year, when my daughter was getting ready to be born in autumn ... :) And today petite, standing alone for a few seconds while his mustard yellow skirt swings and shakes like a leaf on a tree) under the amused eyes of his sister ...

Attendre, Guetter, comme chaque année , les premiers signes d'automne. The automne dernier, ma petite fille s'apprêtait d'automne à arriver. Aujourd'hui, petite E . if met debout et cherche son équilibre pendant que sa petite jupe moutarde oscillates comme une feuille d'automne sous les yeux de sa sœur ...

Which Meat Boosts Testasterone

colori d'autunno...

Aspettare, anticipare, spiare, like every year, the first signs of autumn. The first, after that it's special ' last year, when my daughter was getting ready to be born in autumn ... :) And today petite, standing alone for a few seconds while his mustard yellow skirt swings and shakes like a leaf on a tree) under the amused eyes of his sister ...

Attendre, Guetter, comme chaque année , les premiers signes d'automne. The automne dernier, ma petite fille s'apprêtait d'automne à arriver. Aujourd'hui, petite E . if met debout et cherche son équilibre pendant que sa petite jupe moutarde oscillates comme une feuille d'automne sous les yeux de sa sœur ...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Camila Rodriguez And Travesti

Made in India

Approfittare di un momento di pace per parlarvi di una cosa che la pace l'ha già dentro...
Made in India , un piccolo libro per bambini scritto da Elisa , mamma di 3 bambini che un giorno é partita da Parigi con la sua famiglia per vivere 3 anni in India. Dalla sua felice esperienza di volontariato come insegnante di handcraft in una scuola elementare pubblica, nasce questa raccolta di idee di attività manuali da fare con i bambini, per lo più con materiale povero e di recupero. Il ricavato sarà donated to Indian School.
Here you can find some beautiful pictures of the school and the activities of children, Elisa and India as she saw it.
A collection of ideas for the long winter afternoons, for those little hands that are often bored and talking to children in a country far away.

Made in India
Elisa Rosa
and home. Sagep

Camila Rodriguez And Travesti

Made in India

Approfittare di un momento di pace per parlarvi di una cosa che la pace l'ha già dentro...
Made in India , un piccolo libro per bambini scritto da Elisa , mamma di 3 bambini che un giorno é partita da Parigi con la sua famiglia per vivere 3 anni in India. Dalla sua felice esperienza di volontariato come insegnante di handcraft in una scuola elementare pubblica, nasce questa raccolta di idee di attività manuali da fare con i bambini, per lo più con materiale povero e di recupero. Il ricavato sarà donated to Indian School.
Here you can find some beautiful pictures of the school and the activities of children, Elisa and India as she saw it.
A collection of ideas for the long winter afternoons, for those little hands that are often bored and talking to children in a country far away.

Made in India
Elisa Rosa
and home. Sagep

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bushy Eyebrows Before And After

just before the rain

Mon Echarpe here s'envole cerise avec le vent et le ciel de plus que DEVIENT en plus noir.
Se dépecher pour arriver à la maison avant la pluie et préparer le premier thé de septembre.
Se régaler en regardant le spectacle de la ville qui bouge et finalement, la pluie

La mia sciarpa color ciliegia che svolazza sempre più mentre il cielo si addensa di nuvole nere.
Svelte, arrivare a casa prima della pioggia e preparare il primo thé di settembre.
Godersi da casa lo spettacolo della città che si agita e finalmente, la piogggia.

Bushy Eyebrows Before And After

just before the rain

Mon Echarpe here s'envole cerise avec le vent et le ciel de plus que DEVIENT en plus noir.
Se dépecher pour arriver à la maison avant la pluie et préparer le premier thé de septembre.
Se régaler en regardant le spectacle de la ville qui bouge et finalement, la pluie

La mia sciarpa color ciliegia che svolazza sempre più mentre il cielo si addensa di nuvole nere.
Svelte, arrivare a casa prima della pioggia e preparare il primo thé di settembre.
Godersi da casa lo spettacolo della città che si agita e finalmente, la piogggia.

Friday, September 10, 2010

How To Get More Horsepower Out Of A Inline 6

new york... et nous!

Guardarsi intorno, camminare a lungo per mano, esplorare, trovare i nostri riti quotidiani, creare ritmi e disfarli il giorno dopo, perdere tempo e che realizzare the Altalena ny di più in alto di volano what di Parigi ... :)

Explorer, look, walk hand in hand, find new rituals and change everything the next day, wasting time and realize that swings ny fly higher than Paris ... :)

How To Get More Horsepower Out Of A Inline 6

new york... et nous!

Guardarsi intorno, camminare a lungo per mano, esplorare, trovare i nostri riti quotidiani, creare ritmi e disfarli il giorno dopo, perdere tempo e che realizzare the Altalena ny di più in alto di volano what di Parigi ... :)

Explorer, look, walk hand in hand, find new rituals and change everything the next day, wasting time and realize that swings ny fly higher than Paris ... :)