Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fish Oil Dissolve Foam

Come leggere?

" The book is dead? Long live the book. "Reflections on the edge of a book to come

Read a book on a monitor, kindle, iPad, a habit become part of our daily lives. Those of you who have never downloaded and read a text in PDF? Who has not read an article, a magazine, a call from an Official Gazette? Until the use was limited to sporadic and file Available free on the net, nobody seems to care. But now something has changed


Luciano Pagano

Written in words is as follows: one hundred thirty-four. Un numero che suo malgrado segnerà una tappa nella storia dell’editoria, così come il 1455 entrò a far parte di questa storia per essere l’anno in cui fu stampata la Bibbia a caratteri mobili di Gutenberg. Spieghiamo meglio. 134 è il numero di ebook che sono stati acquistati negli ultimi tre mesi su contro 100 copie dello stesso libro su formato cartaceo. Ogni 100 copie di un ‘hardcover’ (così si chiama la prima edizione a copertina rigida di un libro) sono state acquistate 134 copie dello stesso libro su formato digitale, leggibile con un computer o meglio ancora con un Kindle, il lettore di ebook creato e commercializzato dalla stessa Amazon. La notizia non ha fatto tremare più di tanto gli editori europei, used to slow revolutions and physiological assimilation of novelty.
Yet the information is important, especially considering that now read a book on a monitor, kindle, iPad, a habit become part of our daily lives. Those of you who have never downloaded and read a text in PDF? Who has not read an article, a magazine, a call from an Official Gazette? As long as the use was sporadic and limited to the files freely available on the net, no one seemed to worry about. But now something has changed.
For three months, at, for every 100 readers there are 134 neo-traditional players who purchase a newly published book in digital form. This means that the Americans si sono dimostrati ricettivi nei confronti di una rivoluzione culturale che cambierà l’editoria. Cerco di focalizzare qui alcuni punti che depongono a favore di questo fenomeno.

Lo “schermo” e l'ipertesto

Tanto per cominciare la maggior parte delle persone, soprattutto le nuove generazioni, è abituata a trascorrere molto tempo davanti a uno schermo. Che si tratti di un televisore, dello schermo di un palmare, del monitor di un computer o, per spingersi oltre, un iPod, iPhone o iPad che dir si voglia. Ciò significa che leggere un testo in video per qualche decina di minuti non è un’azione inconsueta come poteva sembrare, ad esempio, una quindicina di anni fa. Inoltre i browser e i programmi di videoscrittura ci hanno oramai abituati alla logica degli ipertesti. Il libro tradizionale racchiude al suo interno una selva di rimandi che il lettore può rendere vitali grazie alla propria esperienza, alla cultura e alla sensibilità. Se avessi letto “Delitto e castigo” a otto anni non avrei mai potuto ‘comprenderlo’. Allo stesso tempo non potrei comprendere un’opera come “Arcipelago Gulag” di Solženicyn a prescindere dal contesto storico nel quale è stata concepita.

L’ebook, il libro elettronico, regala immediatamente e a chiunque la possibilità di accedere al testo e all’ipertesto, con la stessa rapidità di accesso del libro tradizionale who is, however, a scholar. In addition, the availability of a vast catalog, with potendoci literally move below our library, make this unit a winning medium.

Computer "cloud"

At this point I would like to invite further reflection. Recently, Microsoft, the maker of two of the most used software in the world, or both Windows and Office, is focusing its energies and its investment in the Computing Cloud (cloud = cloud = immaterial). In a few words into a future that is already equipped with computers rather than by a whole series of programs which we are accustomed, such as word processor, fogli elettronici, database, non avrà altro che il programma che serve per navigare in rete, ovvero il browser, assieme al cuore del sistema operativo, ciò che basta per accendere un computer e usarlo da subito. I programmi saranno collocati su un server remoto e da lì basterà accedere a tutte le potenzialità con una tecnologia più ‘leggera’. Si tratta di una tecnologia che esiste già da qualche anno grazie a Google Document. Faccio un esempio. Questo articolo è stato creato, scritto e salvato senza l’utilizzo di nessun Word (o software affine) installato sul mio pc, ma solo collegandomi al mio ‘account’ personale di Google. Se applicassimo la logica del Cloud Computing ai libri otterremmo che the latter (including new releases), one day, may be accessed and read with a reader (Kindle, Computer, iPad etc.) without even the need to download them, ie not 'own'. Just one password to access the publisher's site for a chance to read the title you want, place bookmarks, browse, how many times we want the text to wherever we are, regardless of the means we are using to surf, as if the book if only one page of a site accessible for a fee. This would be a revolution that will approach half a revolution of the very concept of intellectual property.


We're not talking about the future, what I just wrote is what we can already do with millions of titles available on Google Books and magazines (all vintages of Life, as well as the historical archives of Corriere della Sera is online) . Not to mention the French and German sites of libraries that have already been digitized and made available to countless manuscripts and illuminated manuscripts. Imagine then a scenario in which the current year's award winning book of the witch, for example, will be available online, paying and receiving an access password used when we want, a bit 'as if it were a magnetic card to a library. Nothing

books, no hard-disk supercapienti by thousands of terabytes, just knowing immaterial and immediately accessible. A little 'as happened with DVD players, which can now be purchased at a price of more than a few tens of euro support is that they played in the DVD. No property extended to objects, but only use licenses, essentially a logical approach of the software that is how to use a work of genius, until recently, almost always located on the paper of a book. Moreover, the dichotomy of book-work is not very similar to the one between software and hardware?

We are approaching the day when readers will consume ebook Little will be manageable, will read a heritage accessible online, regardless of whether you purchased a book or not, and in the meantime there are those who continue to purchase books for the pleasure of reading and have a work that is uniquely linked object that contains it. The world may be populated by Foucauldian Archaeology of Knowledge, visiting historical libraries? But this is only one of the challenges facing the publishing industry to the passage of the near future. Hello

editor ...

The second revolution is called 'self-publishing' (autopubblicazione) and publishing on-demand (translation 'on demand'). "Lulu" is the name of the U.S. site, famous as much as, which makes it possible for anyone to publish and sell your book, impeccably made. In Italy the site that has grown more sophisticated over the past two years is Well, it has recently signed an agreement with the network of libraries and retail outlets Feltrinelli, which provides, through the payment of an annual subscription, the ability to sell your book in the circuit's most important libraries in Italy. What should a writer is easy, after you have written and typeset the book online, simply load your own text on the site, put up for sale and use of your subscription. Then a reader who wants to buy the book in front of her three choices. The first, simpler, to purchase the book online, gaining deliver a hard copy at home. The second, in line with what has been written so far is to buy at a price slightly below the ebook work. The third, charming, is to go into a bookstore Feltrinelli and order the book that will be printed on request and posted in the store two to three days, the same time that it takes to get to the library a text already published by a publisher.

As you can see reflections of this revolution requires not only the publishing system but also the distribution, centering on the author la possibilità di veicolare la propria opera, e sul suo essere più o meno noto e seguito da un certo numero di lettori. In Italia i Wu Ming sono stati pionieri di questo nuovo sistema editoriale. La loro esperienza è interessante come ‘caso’ anche perché i Wu Ming hanno sempre puntato sulla trasparenza, anche commerciale, delle loro progettualità editoriali. Di recente hanno divulgato il numero di scaricamenti che sono stati effettuati dei loro romanzi. La cosa che si nota subito, cifre alla mano, è la caduta dello spauracchio di ogni editore vecchio-stampo, ovvero sia il terrore che le persone scaricando il libro non vadano a comprare il libro. Le due cose non sono in contrasto, chi legge il libro scaricato desidera proseguire o accompany the reading in the paper, "spineless" as my editor would say, Cosimo Lupo. To stay in our area cite the experience of, the electronic magazine which I founded in 2004 with Stefano Donno and on which we published three novels electronics, which had thousands of downloads, as well as some feedback on the press , print and web. For those wishing to investigate the implications of this speech and copyright, I would rather just buy a book from Lulu. The text is titled "Why abolish the SIAE, the author is Salvatore Primiceri, which besides being a writer is also a publisher (Editions Voilier).

A ciascuno le sue riflessioni, da questo angolo di mondo chiamato Italia, e nella fattispecie Salento, in cui l’editoria e l’artigianato del libro hanno raggiunto vette superbe e continuano a sfornare opere pregevoli. La mia opinione è che i due strumenti, il nuovo e il tradizionale, si affiancheranno per diversi anni, e non per mancanza di prontezza nella ricezione del nuovo, bensì per una scaltrezza propria di ogni lettore, nel prendere il meglio da ogni ambito.

Gli editori e il mercato potranno dettare tutte le regole, come sempre, ma al lettore spetterà l’ultima parola.

Fish Oil Dissolve Foam

Come leggere?

" The book is dead? Long live the book. "Reflections on the edge of a book to come

Read a book on a monitor, kindle, iPad, a habit become part of our daily lives. Those of you who have never downloaded and read a text in PDF? Who has not read an article, a magazine, a call from an Official Gazette? Until the use was limited to sporadic and file Available free on the net, nobody seems to care. But now something has changed


Luciano Pagano

Written in words is as follows: one hundred thirty-four. Un numero che suo malgrado segnerà una tappa nella storia dell’editoria, così come il 1455 entrò a far parte di questa storia per essere l’anno in cui fu stampata la Bibbia a caratteri mobili di Gutenberg. Spieghiamo meglio. 134 è il numero di ebook che sono stati acquistati negli ultimi tre mesi su contro 100 copie dello stesso libro su formato cartaceo. Ogni 100 copie di un ‘hardcover’ (così si chiama la prima edizione a copertina rigida di un libro) sono state acquistate 134 copie dello stesso libro su formato digitale, leggibile con un computer o meglio ancora con un Kindle, il lettore di ebook creato e commercializzato dalla stessa Amazon. La notizia non ha fatto tremare più di tanto gli editori europei, used to slow revolutions and physiological assimilation of novelty.
Yet the information is important, especially considering that now read a book on a monitor, kindle, iPad, a habit become part of our daily lives. Those of you who have never downloaded and read a text in PDF? Who has not read an article, a magazine, a call from an Official Gazette? As long as the use was sporadic and limited to the files freely available on the net, no one seemed to worry about. But now something has changed.
For three months, at, for every 100 readers there are 134 neo-traditional players who purchase a newly published book in digital form. This means that the Americans si sono dimostrati ricettivi nei confronti di una rivoluzione culturale che cambierà l’editoria. Cerco di focalizzare qui alcuni punti che depongono a favore di questo fenomeno.

Lo “schermo” e l'ipertesto

Tanto per cominciare la maggior parte delle persone, soprattutto le nuove generazioni, è abituata a trascorrere molto tempo davanti a uno schermo. Che si tratti di un televisore, dello schermo di un palmare, del monitor di un computer o, per spingersi oltre, un iPod, iPhone o iPad che dir si voglia. Ciò significa che leggere un testo in video per qualche decina di minuti non è un’azione inconsueta come poteva sembrare, ad esempio, una quindicina di anni fa. Inoltre i browser e i programmi di videoscrittura ci hanno oramai abituati alla logica degli ipertesti. Il libro tradizionale racchiude al suo interno una selva di rimandi che il lettore può rendere vitali grazie alla propria esperienza, alla cultura e alla sensibilità. Se avessi letto “Delitto e castigo” a otto anni non avrei mai potuto ‘comprenderlo’. Allo stesso tempo non potrei comprendere un’opera come “Arcipelago Gulag” di Solženicyn a prescindere dal contesto storico nel quale è stata concepita.

L’ebook, il libro elettronico, regala immediatamente e a chiunque la possibilità di accedere al testo e all’ipertesto, con la stessa rapidità di accesso del libro tradizionale who is, however, a scholar. In addition, the availability of a vast catalog, with potendoci literally move below our library, make this unit a winning medium.

Computer "cloud"

At this point I would like to invite further reflection. Recently, Microsoft, the maker of two of the most used software in the world, or both Windows and Office, is focusing its energies and its investment in the Computing Cloud (cloud = cloud = immaterial). In a few words into a future that is already equipped with computers rather than by a whole series of programs which we are accustomed, such as word processor, fogli elettronici, database, non avrà altro che il programma che serve per navigare in rete, ovvero il browser, assieme al cuore del sistema operativo, ciò che basta per accendere un computer e usarlo da subito. I programmi saranno collocati su un server remoto e da lì basterà accedere a tutte le potenzialità con una tecnologia più ‘leggera’. Si tratta di una tecnologia che esiste già da qualche anno grazie a Google Document. Faccio un esempio. Questo articolo è stato creato, scritto e salvato senza l’utilizzo di nessun Word (o software affine) installato sul mio pc, ma solo collegandomi al mio ‘account’ personale di Google. Se applicassimo la logica del Cloud Computing ai libri otterremmo che the latter (including new releases), one day, may be accessed and read with a reader (Kindle, Computer, iPad etc.) without even the need to download them, ie not 'own'. Just one password to access the publisher's site for a chance to read the title you want, place bookmarks, browse, how many times we want the text to wherever we are, regardless of the means we are using to surf, as if the book if only one page of a site accessible for a fee. This would be a revolution that will approach half a revolution of the very concept of intellectual property.


We're not talking about the future, what I just wrote is what we can already do with millions of titles available on Google Books and magazines (all vintages of Life, as well as the historical archives of Corriere della Sera is online) . Not to mention the French and German sites of libraries that have already been digitized and made available to countless manuscripts and illuminated manuscripts. Imagine then a scenario in which the current year's award winning book of the witch, for example, will be available online, paying and receiving an access password used when we want, a bit 'as if it were a magnetic card to a library. Nothing

books, no hard-disk supercapienti by thousands of terabytes, just knowing immaterial and immediately accessible. A little 'as happened with DVD players, which can now be purchased at a price of more than a few tens of euro support is that they played in the DVD. No property extended to objects, but only use licenses, essentially a logical approach of the software that is how to use a work of genius, until recently, almost always located on the paper of a book. Moreover, the dichotomy of book-work is not very similar to the one between software and hardware?

We are approaching the day when readers will consume ebook Little will be manageable, will read a heritage accessible online, regardless of whether you purchased a book or not, and in the meantime there are those who continue to purchase books for the pleasure of reading and have a work that is uniquely linked object that contains it. The world may be populated by Foucauldian Archaeology of Knowledge, visiting historical libraries? But this is only one of the challenges facing the publishing industry to the passage of the near future. Hello

editor ...

The second revolution is called 'self-publishing' (autopubblicazione) and publishing on-demand (translation 'on demand'). "Lulu" is the name of the U.S. site, famous as much as, which makes it possible for anyone to publish and sell your book, impeccably made. In Italy the site that has grown more sophisticated over the past two years is Well, it has recently signed an agreement with the network of libraries and retail outlets Feltrinelli, which provides, through the payment of an annual subscription, the ability to sell your book in the circuit's most important libraries in Italy. What should a writer is easy, after you have written and typeset the book online, simply load your own text on the site, put up for sale and use of your subscription. Then a reader who wants to buy the book in front of her three choices. The first, simpler, to purchase the book online, gaining deliver a hard copy at home. The second, in line with what has been written so far is to buy at a price slightly below the ebook work. The third, charming, is to go into a bookstore Feltrinelli and order the book that will be printed on request and posted in the store two to three days, the same time that it takes to get to the library a text already published by a publisher.

As you can see reflections of this revolution requires not only the publishing system but also the distribution, centering on the author la possibilità di veicolare la propria opera, e sul suo essere più o meno noto e seguito da un certo numero di lettori. In Italia i Wu Ming sono stati pionieri di questo nuovo sistema editoriale. La loro esperienza è interessante come ‘caso’ anche perché i Wu Ming hanno sempre puntato sulla trasparenza, anche commerciale, delle loro progettualità editoriali. Di recente hanno divulgato il numero di scaricamenti che sono stati effettuati dei loro romanzi. La cosa che si nota subito, cifre alla mano, è la caduta dello spauracchio di ogni editore vecchio-stampo, ovvero sia il terrore che le persone scaricando il libro non vadano a comprare il libro. Le due cose non sono in contrasto, chi legge il libro scaricato desidera proseguire o accompany the reading in the paper, "spineless" as my editor would say, Cosimo Lupo. To stay in our area cite the experience of, the electronic magazine which I founded in 2004 with Stefano Donno and on which we published three novels electronics, which had thousands of downloads, as well as some feedback on the press , print and web. For those wishing to investigate the implications of this speech and copyright, I would rather just buy a book from Lulu. The text is titled "Why abolish the SIAE, the author is Salvatore Primiceri, which besides being a writer is also a publisher (Editions Voilier).

A ciascuno le sue riflessioni, da questo angolo di mondo chiamato Italia, e nella fattispecie Salento, in cui l’editoria e l’artigianato del libro hanno raggiunto vette superbe e continuano a sfornare opere pregevoli. La mia opinione è che i due strumenti, il nuovo e il tradizionale, si affiancheranno per diversi anni, e non per mancanza di prontezza nella ricezione del nuovo, bensì per una scaltrezza propria di ogni lettore, nel prendere il meglio da ogni ambito.

Gli editori e il mercato potranno dettare tutte le regole, come sempre, ma al lettore spetterà l’ultima parola.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Free Ball It Under Their Singlets


Free Ball It Under Their Singlets


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How Bilirubin Level Increased

Minute papillon

j'aime cette petite expression... minute papillon... si poétique...

Minute papillon ! mi piace tanto quest' espressione francese per dire a qualcuno che va di fretta, di fermarsi un attimo, di concedersi un momento, anche solo per pensare. Forse lucie potrebbe spiegarvelo meglio di me... magari passa di qui, come una farfalla...

buon pomeriggio...

How Bilirubin Level Increased

Minute papillon

j'aime cette petite expression... minute papillon... si poétique...

Minute papillon ! mi piace tanto quest' espressione francese per dire a qualcuno che va di fretta, di fermarsi un attimo, di concedersi un momento, anche solo per pensare. Forse lucie potrebbe spiegarvelo meglio di me... magari passa di qui, come una farfalla...

buon pomeriggio...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wards Ap Bio Lab Number 5 Answers

dimanche ❤

... small corner of countryside havens of peace, away from the bustle of other ... that too is Paris ...

Wards Ap Bio Lab Number 5 Answers

dimanche ❤

... small corner of countryside havens of peace, away from the bustle of other ... that too is Paris ...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Beautiful Spotsin Reno, Nv

Midlake - Young Bride

Beautiful Spotsin Reno, Nv

Midlake - Young Bride

Friday, July 2, 2010

Who Throws The Post Wedding Brunch

Il “digital storytelling” - Le narrazioni digitali

Corrado Petrucco and Marina De Rossi
Narrating with digital storytelling in schools and organizations
Carocci (The Compass series).
Life Stories!

reviving talk about, "being there" in a time when the "fog" mass-media blurs the boundaries of each one gets treatment, care all'inedia, "no" that often leads to behaviors depersonalized.
Through the narration, using the multimedia languages, you can try to promote projects to educate and train in a new way, paying attention to stories that each person, adult or child, want to share.
The term "digital storytelling" was made by Joe Lambert and Dana Atchley in the '90s who released an interactive multimedia in a theatrical performance on a large screen where the background showing pictures and videos of real life stories.
The group of artists, educators and communication professionals who gradually formed around them over the years has managed to broaden the areas of intervention of "digital storytelling" in many contexts ranging from schools to businesses, art commitment political.
The center has since helped many people to use digital tools to tell their life stories, showing that the same technologies that have created fragmentation and distance could be used in new ways to re-connect, create new links, feel part of a community. The short digital storytelling becomes a cultural glue.
The "digital storytelling"
as animation to tackle youth disadvantage
In this case, the "digital storytelling" takes the form of animation mode aimed at teenage boys. 'It should, however, stop a moment and reflect on a first term whose meaning is often confused and underestimated the animation.
The animation is set up as an action that aims to enable procedural authentication of people (ranging in different contexts, by doing the works of those risk and discomfort) in preparation for a change, not only of individuals but also the community.
Work on the single, its patterns of perception, interpretation and cognitive, its symbolic and value systems can also operate across society.
The use of "digital storytelling" embraces the need to respond to a malaise that affects both the individual and society with a view to a change or risk prevention.
Old and new dependencies, vandalism, bullying, violence, excessive competition, the formation of closed groups that reject the rules of civil life, will tell the inability to do so effectively can be some of the many problems of young people with whom each company is forced to confront.
Sometimes the network is used as a tool for the dissemination of negative episodes that are shared by changing the resonance and, in some cases, encouraging repeat.
Responding to an incorrect use of multimedia resources through the multimedia version used in the educational means to promote and support a change in individual and collective.
The "digital storytelling" is not only important for the product which can be reached but also in the process put in place. Through it the behaviors and emotions become part of personal generating mode of thought, imagination, perception of reality, influencing lifestyles and be there.
A "digital storytelling" allows young people to bring out his personal narrative, to tell her emotional bond with people, situations, places and thus improved self-knowledge, to increase knowledge of the place where he lives and his " emotional attachment "to infect the other members of the group with its own narrative and emotional with the community in which they live.
documentation through "digital storytelling" also becomes an evaluation and feedback of the progress that a group or person has done against its issue; certifica una sfida personale e comunitaria di miglioramento e può mettere a disposizione della comunità virtuale la propria esperienza nell'ottica di una diffusione e replicabilità in contesti diversi».

Who Throws The Post Wedding Brunch

Il “digital storytelling” - Le narrazioni digitali

Corrado Petrucco and Marina De Rossi
Narrating with digital storytelling in schools and organizations
Carocci (The Compass series).
Life Stories!

reviving talk about, "being there" in a time when the "fog" mass-media blurs the boundaries of each one gets treatment, care all'inedia, "no" that often leads to behaviors depersonalized.
Through the narration, using the multimedia languages, you can try to promote projects to educate and train in a new way, paying attention to stories that each person, adult or child, want to share.
The term "digital storytelling" was made by Joe Lambert and Dana Atchley in the '90s who released an interactive multimedia in a theatrical performance on a large screen where the background showing pictures and videos of real life stories.
The group of artists, educators and communication professionals who gradually formed around them over the years has managed to broaden the areas of intervention of "digital storytelling" in many contexts ranging from schools to businesses, art commitment political.
The center has since helped many people to use digital tools to tell their life stories, showing that the same technologies that have created fragmentation and distance could be used in new ways to re-connect, create new links, feel part of a community. The short digital storytelling becomes a cultural glue.
The "digital storytelling"
as animation to tackle youth disadvantage
In this case, the "digital storytelling" takes the form of animation mode aimed at teenage boys. 'It should, however, stop a moment and reflect on a first term whose meaning is often confused and underestimated the animation.
The animation is set up as an action that aims to enable procedural authentication of people (ranging in different contexts, by doing the works of those risk and discomfort) in preparation for a change, not only of individuals but also the community.
Work on the single, its patterns of perception, interpretation and cognitive, its symbolic and value systems can also operate across society.
The use of "digital storytelling" embraces the need to respond to a malaise that affects both the individual and society with a view to a change or risk prevention.
Old and new dependencies, vandalism, bullying, violence, excessive competition, the formation of closed groups that reject the rules of civil life, will tell the inability to do so effectively can be some of the many problems of young people with whom each company is forced to confront.
Sometimes the network is used as a tool for the dissemination of negative episodes that are shared by changing the resonance and, in some cases, encouraging repeat.
Responding to an incorrect use of multimedia resources through the multimedia version used in the educational means to promote and support a change in individual and collective.
The "digital storytelling" is not only important for the product which can be reached but also in the process put in place. Through it the behaviors and emotions become part of personal generating mode of thought, imagination, perception of reality, influencing lifestyles and be there.
A "digital storytelling" allows young people to bring out his personal narrative, to tell her emotional bond with people, situations, places and thus improved self-knowledge, to increase knowledge of the place where he lives and his " emotional attachment "to infect the other members of the group with its own narrative and emotional with the community in which they live.
documentation through "digital storytelling" also becomes an evaluation and feedback of the progress that a group or person has done against its issue; certifica una sfida personale e comunitaria di miglioramento e può mettere a disposizione della comunità virtuale la propria esperienza nell'ottica di una diffusione e replicabilità in contesti diversi».