Monday, August 31, 2009
Tak 5 Recon Paintball Gun
R Stuart or drag on his jazz dvd television, while Mrs. R. knitting a scarf for her granddaughter who holds at least two months. One of the things that have always given me more pleasure in life is just noise and gestures of a woman knitting. The same pleasure of the voice of a Persian lady of a far away trip to Iran, which I did not understand a word, the same rhythm track in the long stretch without stops between Forest Hills and Roosevelt Avenue on the F line in Manhattan, or that of a brush down along the hair of a girl. It fills me with warmth and energy down the arms and legs, like a child feeling of serenity, which looks like an orgasm ma molto molto più raffinato.
That's it, folks : fra due giorni si torna alla bella Napoli. Un weekend allungato aiuta a preparare la mente al nuovo cambio, un weekend fatto di ultimi stanchi giri, molto glander e moltissime puntate di Scrubs in streaming – meno male che esiste, ma attenti, è una droga.
Sono molto contento di tornare a Napoli. La mia vita lì mi è mancata, la bella S. Chiara 41, le follie di Melaqa e le sue cene vegane, i mille caffè di Ciccio e i milioni di discorsi random e l'affetto e l'aula studio di palazzo Giusso. Nella grande mela mi sono accorto di quanto mi piaccia la mia vita lì, nonostante lo sclero e la sovente reclusione da studio, neighborhood criminals who throw stones at the fourth floor and the garbage of the weekend that no one is able to eliminate psychodwarf. I know that this year will be even worse than the previous one in terms of the sclera, but I like the idea of \u200b\u200bsclera in the midst of people with whom I am well.
time reports? What a bore, but it seems so. I think about going to repeat this story many times to people who ask me in the coming weeks, we might as well prepare it for good.
discard immediately tautologies : yes, two months have flown by - as time goes by fast! Nor was half a season! For others, the weather was very mild, which was soprattutto un vantaggio.
E continuiamo con qualche domanda banale ma certamente inevitabile:
Ti è piaciuta New York? Certo che sì. Ma già so che ogni volta che me lo chiederanno ci sarà la seguente premessa che riporto fedelmente: no però non so come parlare di NY perché sai abitando a un'ora e mezza non è che l'abbia vissuta molto... E poi per me p er conoscere una città bisogna viverla con la gente... E io non ho avuto molte occasioni di fare amicizie strette... Per non parlare della vita notturna che non c'è proprio stata.
E via dicendo con premesse sempre vere ma sempre più noiose.
Come dare un'opinione su una città che si ha avuto modo di conoscere così frammentariamente? La risposta immediata sarà: beh New York me la sono vissuta come esperienza fondamentale dal punto di vista della crescita personale e professionale. Sempre verissimo.
In realtà però soprattutto all'inizio mi sono fatto un sacco di giri e ho cercato di conoscere NYC e dintorni il più possibile, hai visto le foto? E quindi l'unica cosa da poter fare è una classifica generale delle cose che mi sono piaciute di più, e quali di meno.
Per esempio:
N on sai quanto mi sia piaciuto Washington Square Park [nel Greenwhich Village] ! Forse è la cosa che mi è piaciuta di più, insieme agli altri parchi. Al contrario, se c'è qualcosa che non mi è piaciuta quella è Times Square, che schifo! Diciamo che tutto il Midtown è un po' una schifezza con tutti quei palazzacci alti e grigi, la sua arroganza che urla al capitalismo sfrenato, e le centinaia di migliaia di turisti che ronzano attorno all'Empire State Building.
Domanda: ci abiteresti?- Probabilmente non a Manhattan , ho già risposto un paio di volte. Magari a Brooklyn per un po', con tutte quelle casette coi mattoni rossi e Prospect Park che è la versione umana di Central Park.
La vita è cara? Qui la stanchezza comincia a farsi sentire. Sì, è cara per un americano, ma il cambio favorevole rende i prezzi simili all'Italia. Ma non parliamo degli affitti: altro che crisi.
A proposito, ma la crisi si vede? (respiro profondo) Beh non è che la vedi per strada, la gente ancora mangia da Mcdonalds e tutti hanno l'iPhone o il Kindle [è l'ultima trovata, ebook su un apparecchio che si apre a mò di libro e rivestito in pelle], ma se parli con la gente tutti dicono che hanno perso soldi e che conoscono gente che ha perso il lavoro.
Ma ci sei stato al World Trade Center? (brrrrr....) Sì. - E com'è? - Un cantiere.
What is the strangest thing you've done or what impressed you most?
I prepared this response and I decided to say once I was invited to a Mass in a church gospel / bunker in Brooklyn, under elevated subway tracks. Nothing short of mystical experience from beginning to end three excellent singers sang hit what looked like Alicia Keys but with names like 'C'mon, let's worhsip him' or 'Jesus is just great'. The thing went on for three hours, at one point the pastor, dressed in blue with purple tie, interspersed his lecture with songs, jazz, soul and folk. Amongst the more hilarious: the pastor introduced me to the whole church during Mass, said 'we are delighted to welcome today a great Italian friend, came to see how you put a real! A round of applause for Tino! ' And so many cheers and all that I came to shake hands giving me welcome you on the path of Jesus
You made friends? I think I already answered this question. In any case, I made friends with a girl who worked with me at Human Rights Watch, of Michigan. Too bad that is gone by mid-August. For the rest, many friends, people with whom I went out a few times but then stopped there. I think everyone had already seen that his tour were almost all residents in New York, and lived mostly in Manhattan. While I ...
The interview could go on yet ra very long time and the questions may be even more boring, so you better make a point, and try to give an account satisfactory for the next episode of true New York experience, the famous thirty-fourth floor, even thirty-fifth, Mena Division.
Tak 5 Recon Paintball Gun
R Stuart or drag on his jazz dvd television, while Mrs. R. knitting a scarf for her granddaughter who holds at least two months. One of the things that have always given me more pleasure in life is just noise and gestures of a woman knitting. The same pleasure of the voice of a Persian lady of a far away trip to Iran, which I did not understand a word, the same rhythm track in the long stretch without stops between Forest Hills and Roosevelt Avenue on the F line in Manhattan, or that of a brush down along the hair of a girl. It fills me with warmth and energy down the arms and legs, like a child feeling of serenity, which looks like an orgasm ma molto molto più raffinato.
That's it, folks : fra due giorni si torna alla bella Napoli. Un weekend allungato aiuta a preparare la mente al nuovo cambio, un weekend fatto di ultimi stanchi giri, molto glander e moltissime puntate di Scrubs in streaming – meno male che esiste, ma attenti, è una droga.
Sono molto contento di tornare a Napoli. La mia vita lì mi è mancata, la bella S. Chiara 41, le follie di Melaqa e le sue cene vegane, i mille caffè di Ciccio e i milioni di discorsi random e l'affetto e l'aula studio di palazzo Giusso. Nella grande mela mi sono accorto di quanto mi piaccia la mia vita lì, nonostante lo sclero e la sovente reclusione da studio, neighborhood criminals who throw stones at the fourth floor and the garbage of the weekend that no one is able to eliminate psychodwarf. I know that this year will be even worse than the previous one in terms of the sclera, but I like the idea of \u200b\u200bsclera in the midst of people with whom I am well.
time reports? What a bore, but it seems so. I think about going to repeat this story many times to people who ask me in the coming weeks, we might as well prepare it for good.
discard immediately tautologies : yes, two months have flown by - as time goes by fast! Nor was half a season! For others, the weather was very mild, which was soprattutto un vantaggio.
E continuiamo con qualche domanda banale ma certamente inevitabile:
Ti è piaciuta New York? Certo che sì. Ma già so che ogni volta che me lo chiederanno ci sarà la seguente premessa che riporto fedelmente: no però non so come parlare di NY perché sai abitando a un'ora e mezza non è che l'abbia vissuta molto... E poi per me p er conoscere una città bisogna viverla con la gente... E io non ho avuto molte occasioni di fare amicizie strette... Per non parlare della vita notturna che non c'è proprio stata.
E via dicendo con premesse sempre vere ma sempre più noiose.
Come dare un'opinione su una città che si ha avuto modo di conoscere così frammentariamente? La risposta immediata sarà: beh New York me la sono vissuta come esperienza fondamentale dal punto di vista della crescita personale e professionale. Sempre verissimo.
In realtà però soprattutto all'inizio mi sono fatto un sacco di giri e ho cercato di conoscere NYC e dintorni il più possibile, hai visto le foto? E quindi l'unica cosa da poter fare è una classifica generale delle cose che mi sono piaciute di più, e quali di meno.
Per esempio:
N on sai quanto mi sia piaciuto Washington Square Park [nel Greenwhich Village] ! Forse è la cosa che mi è piaciuta di più, insieme agli altri parchi. Al contrario, se c'è qualcosa che non mi è piaciuta quella è Times Square, che schifo! Diciamo che tutto il Midtown è un po' una schifezza con tutti quei palazzacci alti e grigi, la sua arroganza che urla al capitalismo sfrenato, e le centinaia di migliaia di turisti che ronzano attorno all'Empire State Building.
Domanda: ci abiteresti?- Probabilmente non a Manhattan , ho già risposto un paio di volte. Magari a Brooklyn per un po', con tutte quelle casette coi mattoni rossi e Prospect Park che è la versione umana di Central Park.
La vita è cara? Qui la stanchezza comincia a farsi sentire. Sì, è cara per un americano, ma il cambio favorevole rende i prezzi simili all'Italia. Ma non parliamo degli affitti: altro che crisi.
A proposito, ma la crisi si vede? (respiro profondo) Beh non è che la vedi per strada, la gente ancora mangia da Mcdonalds e tutti hanno l'iPhone o il Kindle [è l'ultima trovata, ebook su un apparecchio che si apre a mò di libro e rivestito in pelle], ma se parli con la gente tutti dicono che hanno perso soldi e che conoscono gente che ha perso il lavoro.
Ma ci sei stato al World Trade Center? (brrrrr....) Sì. - E com'è? - Un cantiere.
What is the strangest thing you've done or what impressed you most?
I prepared this response and I decided to say once I was invited to a Mass in a church gospel / bunker in Brooklyn, under elevated subway tracks. Nothing short of mystical experience from beginning to end three excellent singers sang hit what looked like Alicia Keys but with names like 'C'mon, let's worhsip him' or 'Jesus is just great'. The thing went on for three hours, at one point the pastor, dressed in blue with purple tie, interspersed his lecture with songs, jazz, soul and folk. Amongst the more hilarious: the pastor introduced me to the whole church during Mass, said 'we are delighted to welcome today a great Italian friend, came to see how you put a real! A round of applause for Tino! ' And so many cheers and all that I came to shake hands giving me welcome you on the path of Jesus
You made friends? I think I already answered this question. In any case, I made friends with a girl who worked with me at Human Rights Watch, of Michigan. Too bad that is gone by mid-August. For the rest, many friends, people with whom I went out a few times but then stopped there. I think everyone had already seen that his tour were almost all residents in New York, and lived mostly in Manhattan. While I ...
The interview could go on yet ra very long time and the questions may be even more boring, so you better make a point, and try to give an account satisfactory for the next episode of true New York experience, the famous thirty-fourth floor, even thirty-fifth, Mena Division.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Linsey Dawn Bottomless
published my translation of a press release by Human Rights Watch, can be found on their website. Long live the expulsions!
Italy: Expulsion of Tunisian violated the European Convention of Human Rights
(New York, August 5, 2009) - The expulsion from Italy of a Tunisian national suspected of terrorism to a country where real risk of torture is the latest example of how it pokes fun of the absolute prohibition of such refunds, Human Rights Watch said today. Italy has given Ali Ben Sassi Toumi Tunisia to August 2, 2009, despite the repeated rulings of the European Court of Human Rights, which require the suspension of the expulsion until the Court fully investigate the instance that the risk of claims torture or other ill-treatment in the event that the Tunisian was returned.
Toumi is the third terror suspect that the Italian government has sent in Tunisia in ultimi 20 mesi, in violazione agli ordini della Corte Europea di sospendere queste deportazioni. Le misure cautelari della Corte - sentenze temporanee in attesa del giudizio finale - sono pienamente vincolanti, e il loro mancato rispetto da parte dell'Italia viola la Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo e altri obblighi previsti nel diritto internazionale.
"Con l'espulsione di Ali Ben Sassi Toumi l'Italia ha ancora una volta mostrato totale disprezzo per i suoi obblighi internazionali sui diritti umani", ha affermato Letta Tayler, ricercatrice della Sezione Terrorismo e Antiterrorismo di Human Rights Watch. "La Tunisia ha un elenco lungo e ben documentato di torture e abusi di prigionieri, quindi questa espulsione viola chiaramente sia gli ordini suspension of the European Court, is the fundamental prohibition of drawback in case of risk of torture. "
terrorist suspects and other prisoners for reasons of national security in Tunisia are particularly at risk of torture, prolonged detention and unfair legal proceedings, Human Rights Watch said.
Toumi climbed on the roof of a detention center for deportation and threatened suicide if the authorities have informed, Aug. 1, that would have sent back to Tunisia, told Human Rights Watch his Italian lawyer Barbara Manara. The authorities have cheated with a false promise, saying it would not be deported, said the lawyer. Toumi is not resident in Italy, but is married to an Italian woman with whom he has three children.
"Italy Toumi has put at serious risk of torture. Now he must take every possible measure to ensure its protection and to end its continuing lack of respect for the European Court and international standards on fundamental human rights," Letta Tayler said. "For any abuse suffered by Toumi in Tunisia, Italy is equally responsible."
Toumi, 44, sentenced in absentia in Tunisia to a charge of forgery, was last heard from his wife when he sent a text message the night of Aug. 2 when he arrived at the airport of Tunis. He was expelled from Italy after serving a sentence of six years in an Italian prison for conviction of association with a terrorist cell linked to al-Qaeda. The Italian authorities have stated that the reason is that the expulsion Toumi is still a threat to national security. The European Court of Human Rights has issued several rulings on May 18, May 19 and June 24 this year that it planned to delay his deportation.
This deportation comes after repeated rulings of the European Court against expulsion from Italy of other Tunisians suspected terrorists to their country of origin. In February 2008, the Grand Chamber of the Court held, in the case of Nassim Saadi - another Tunisian that Italy had tried to send back to Tunisia - the absolute prohibition to expel individuals to countries where there are risks for them to torture or cruel treatment. The Court held that attempts to deport Saadi, who resided legally in Italy, were in breach of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Article 3 prohibits torture and ill-treatment and contains the absolute prohibition to expel any person to countries where they are at risk of these treatments.
Italy has deported Saadi. However, he expelled two other suspected terrorists Tunisian, Essid Sami Ben Khemais and Mourad Trabelsi, respectively in June and December of 2008, despite the requests of the European Court for venisse loro concesso di rimanere in Italia fino a quando la Corte non avesse pienamente esaminato i loro casi. I due individui stanno scontando le loro sentenze in Tunisia per accuse di associazione terroristica, dopo essere stati condannati dalle corti militari.
La Corte Europea aveva risposto nel febbraio del 2009 condannando l'espulsione di Khemais da parte dell'Italia sulla base della violazione degli articoli 3 e 34 della Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo. L'Articolo 34 assicura il diritto effettivo di ricorso alla Corte. Da allora, la Corte Europea ha emesso sentenze su altri nove casi per cui l'Italia violerebbe nuovamente l'Articolo 3 della Convenzione se mettesse in atto ordini di espulsioni contro altri sospetti terroristi tunisini.
"La Corte Europea ha detto 10 volte all'Italia che le restituzioni verso la Tunisia non sono sicure", ha affermato Tayler. "È giunto il momento che l'Italia dia retta alle decisioni della Corte e cessi immediatamente tutti i tentativi di deportare sospetti terroristi verso la Tunisia finché la Corte non abbia emesso una sentenza finale sui loro casi".
Linsey Dawn Bottomless
published my translation of a press release by Human Rights Watch, can be found on their website. Long live the expulsions!
Italy: Expulsion of Tunisian violated the European Convention of Human Rights
(New York, August 5, 2009) - The expulsion from Italy of a Tunisian national suspected of terrorism to a country where real risk of torture is the latest example of how it pokes fun of the absolute prohibition of such refunds, Human Rights Watch said today. Italy has given Ali Ben Sassi Toumi Tunisia to August 2, 2009, despite the repeated rulings of the European Court of Human Rights, which require the suspension of the expulsion until the Court fully investigate the instance that the risk of claims torture or other ill-treatment in the event that the Tunisian was returned.
Toumi is the third terror suspect that the Italian government has sent in Tunisia in ultimi 20 mesi, in violazione agli ordini della Corte Europea di sospendere queste deportazioni. Le misure cautelari della Corte - sentenze temporanee in attesa del giudizio finale - sono pienamente vincolanti, e il loro mancato rispetto da parte dell'Italia viola la Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo e altri obblighi previsti nel diritto internazionale.
"Con l'espulsione di Ali Ben Sassi Toumi l'Italia ha ancora una volta mostrato totale disprezzo per i suoi obblighi internazionali sui diritti umani", ha affermato Letta Tayler, ricercatrice della Sezione Terrorismo e Antiterrorismo di Human Rights Watch. "La Tunisia ha un elenco lungo e ben documentato di torture e abusi di prigionieri, quindi questa espulsione viola chiaramente sia gli ordini suspension of the European Court, is the fundamental prohibition of drawback in case of risk of torture. "
terrorist suspects and other prisoners for reasons of national security in Tunisia are particularly at risk of torture, prolonged detention and unfair legal proceedings, Human Rights Watch said.
Toumi climbed on the roof of a detention center for deportation and threatened suicide if the authorities have informed, Aug. 1, that would have sent back to Tunisia, told Human Rights Watch his Italian lawyer Barbara Manara. The authorities have cheated with a false promise, saying it would not be deported, said the lawyer. Toumi is not resident in Italy, but is married to an Italian woman with whom he has three children.
"Italy Toumi has put at serious risk of torture. Now he must take every possible measure to ensure its protection and to end its continuing lack of respect for the European Court and international standards on fundamental human rights," Letta Tayler said. "For any abuse suffered by Toumi in Tunisia, Italy is equally responsible."
Toumi, 44, sentenced in absentia in Tunisia to a charge of forgery, was last heard from his wife when he sent a text message the night of Aug. 2 when he arrived at the airport of Tunis. He was expelled from Italy after serving a sentence of six years in an Italian prison for conviction of association with a terrorist cell linked to al-Qaeda. The Italian authorities have stated that the reason is that the expulsion Toumi is still a threat to national security. The European Court of Human Rights has issued several rulings on May 18, May 19 and June 24 this year that it planned to delay his deportation.
This deportation comes after repeated rulings of the European Court against expulsion from Italy of other Tunisians suspected terrorists to their country of origin. In February 2008, the Grand Chamber of the Court held, in the case of Nassim Saadi - another Tunisian that Italy had tried to send back to Tunisia - the absolute prohibition to expel individuals to countries where there are risks for them to torture or cruel treatment. The Court held that attempts to deport Saadi, who resided legally in Italy, were in breach of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Article 3 prohibits torture and ill-treatment and contains the absolute prohibition to expel any person to countries where they are at risk of these treatments.
Italy has deported Saadi. However, he expelled two other suspected terrorists Tunisian, Essid Sami Ben Khemais and Mourad Trabelsi, respectively in June and December of 2008, despite the requests of the European Court for venisse loro concesso di rimanere in Italia fino a quando la Corte non avesse pienamente esaminato i loro casi. I due individui stanno scontando le loro sentenze in Tunisia per accuse di associazione terroristica, dopo essere stati condannati dalle corti militari.
La Corte Europea aveva risposto nel febbraio del 2009 condannando l'espulsione di Khemais da parte dell'Italia sulla base della violazione degli articoli 3 e 34 della Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo. L'Articolo 34 assicura il diritto effettivo di ricorso alla Corte. Da allora, la Corte Europea ha emesso sentenze su altri nove casi per cui l'Italia violerebbe nuovamente l'Articolo 3 della Convenzione se mettesse in atto ordini di espulsioni contro altri sospetti terroristi tunisini.
"La Corte Europea ha detto 10 volte all'Italia che le restituzioni verso la Tunisia non sono sicure", ha affermato Tayler. "È giunto il momento che l'Italia dia retta alle decisioni della Corte e cessi immediatamente tutti i tentativi di deportare sospetti terroristi verso la Tunisia finché la Corte non abbia emesso una sentenza finale sui loro casi".
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Auto Salon Swot Analysis
Mancano appena tre settimane al ritorno al belpaese, neanche a dirlo il tempo vola, mentre il blog un po' piange, ho perso un po' di ispirazione dall'ultimo viaggio o anche solo dall'ultimo post. Ritmi frenetici o ripetitivi, malumori più o meno passeggeri, calo del turismo? O forse il lato dello writer has left the place of human rights activist.
nonsense aside, there shall be locked in ' internship New York, less time to wander (statue of liberty as a fundamental part things have been done), more time to study and tesizzare, long time on the media. Perhaps for the hours spent on bus and subway is a bit 'less the desire to explore, especially at night, which I would not mind having the reputation of the city for great music. Can not go out at night during the week, given the hour and a half of road that separates Manhattan from the green lanes of Little Neck, Queens far east - me Forgive Orientalism. It is definitely a provincial dimension, far away from the buildings ultimate and bustle of Midtown.
Then, it is this knowledge that we are all close to hang out with. Making friends, at least more thorough, is not among the things easier and more immediate. It did not seem to have much weight anyway. In any case, a couple of weeks ago I saw Harry Potter in 3D (bleah!) and a jazz concert brazilian (wow!) Village in the heart of Saturday night. One thing I would do at least once, to see something in Williamsburg, which all claim to be at the epicenter of world indie rock and alternative and bla bla bla.
To take the means, for the week as if it were natural. Automat isms and ordered chaos, with the last contact which dates back to the Par igi-2005 centuries ago, seem to belong to genetically multietnicissimi inhabitants of Queens - Chinese Latinos , Indian, African and some whitish. I, too, fortunately I learned to sleep both standing up and sitting on the metro Q30 Little Neck, and on the subway to Manhattan. Alternatives there are a lot of reading, listening to music (if you do not break the bud) , people-watch or have pictures (but maybe two months is a bit 'boring), fix the vacuum. But the risk of the rhythm of obsessing semaphores is too large. At the beginning, and in the past in other cities, I thought they were the traffic lights to decide how it will astrologically the day: the greenest in a row, more radiant you. However, the semaforologia tend only to give disastrous weather in New York, where the average is one every street lights. And neither is good for getting angry with the traffic light just turned red, you risk a nervous breakdown. Much better than daydreaming or having some paranoia at this point.
of your daily routine also includes the entrance to the Empire State Building. First meeting, after having crossed hateful hordes of tourists at the gates, friendly staff persistently ask if you want to go see New York high - no thanks, I work here - answer every day. Then enter the revolving doors, where the first employee usually Latin gives you the first 'Welcome to the Empire State Building ", which is repeated immediately after the entrance and again at check-in security ( rather bland). We have the pleasure of hospitality as well liberty when you go to the cigarette fumarti entrance of the building, entrance and exit.
Mysticism experience is crowned from the central building, divided into four spaces each with ten lifts, each with its number of floors, and where you can also see (and hold) the interactive map of marble lifts that mu Ovono up and down.
Thirty-four beeps later, Starbucks coffee with ice and straw, we are ready to fateful 9-18.
Auto Salon Swot Analysis
Mancano appena tre settimane al ritorno al belpaese, neanche a dirlo il tempo vola, mentre il blog un po' piange, ho perso un po' di ispirazione dall'ultimo viaggio o anche solo dall'ultimo post. Ritmi frenetici o ripetitivi, malumori più o meno passeggeri, calo del turismo? O forse il lato dello writer has left the place of human rights activist.
nonsense aside, there shall be locked in ' internship New York, less time to wander (statue of liberty as a fundamental part things have been done), more time to study and tesizzare, long time on the media. Perhaps for the hours spent on bus and subway is a bit 'less the desire to explore, especially at night, which I would not mind having the reputation of the city for great music. Can not go out at night during the week, given the hour and a half of road that separates Manhattan from the green lanes of Little Neck, Queens far east - me Forgive Orientalism. It is definitely a provincial dimension, far away from the buildings ultimate and bustle of Midtown.
Then, it is this knowledge that we are all close to hang out with. Making friends, at least more thorough, is not among the things easier and more immediate. It did not seem to have much weight anyway. In any case, a couple of weeks ago I saw Harry Potter in 3D (bleah!) and a jazz concert brazilian (wow!) Village in the heart of Saturday night. One thing I would do at least once, to see something in Williamsburg, which all claim to be at the epicenter of world indie rock and alternative and bla bla bla.
To take the means, for the week as if it were natural. Automat isms and ordered chaos, with the last contact which dates back to the Par igi-2005 centuries ago, seem to belong to genetically multietnicissimi inhabitants of Queens - Chinese Latinos , Indian, African and some whitish. I, too, fortunately I learned to sleep both standing up and sitting on the metro Q30 Little Neck, and on the subway to Manhattan. Alternatives there are a lot of reading, listening to music (if you do not break the bud) , people-watch or have pictures (but maybe two months is a bit 'boring), fix the vacuum. But the risk of the rhythm of obsessing semaphores is too large. At the beginning, and in the past in other cities, I thought they were the traffic lights to decide how it will astrologically the day: the greenest in a row, more radiant you. However, the semaforologia tend only to give disastrous weather in New York, where the average is one every street lights. And neither is good for getting angry with the traffic light just turned red, you risk a nervous breakdown. Much better than daydreaming or having some paranoia at this point.
of your daily routine also includes the entrance to the Empire State Building. First meeting, after having crossed hateful hordes of tourists at the gates, friendly staff persistently ask if you want to go see New York high - no thanks, I work here - answer every day. Then enter the revolving doors, where the first employee usually Latin gives you the first 'Welcome to the Empire State Building ", which is repeated immediately after the entrance and again at check-in security ( rather bland). We have the pleasure of hospitality as well liberty when you go to the cigarette fumarti entrance of the building, entrance and exit.
Mysticism experience is crowned from the central building, divided into four spaces each with ten lifts, each with its number of floors, and where you can also see (and hold) the interactive map of marble lifts that mu Ovono up and down.
Thirty-four beeps later, Starbucks coffee with ice and straw, we are ready to fateful 9-18.