Monday, March 16, 2009

Reduce Size Of Gallbladder Polyps


This is the third night, my eyes are planted in a vacuum, I try something that will make me sleep, I see nothing, I hear only the sound of the toilet leaking, is as precise as a Swiss watch, the 'I timed the night before, one drop per second.
I've tried everything, I counted sheep, I have endlessly repeated nonsense, I drank herbal Chinese, Thai and the usual harmless chamomile, even sleeping pills but I took nothing, these eyes are like windows of the Coliseum, but old always open.
I get out of bed with difficulty, remind me that my bones are in the past 50 years, as I would go back, my mom told me that as a child I did not do nothing but sleep, maybe that's why I now have two trolley under the occhi.Ho consumed every hour of sleep when I was in bands, I wonder if there's a way be able to recharge, perhaps going to the post office, maybe they have a prepaid card with hours of sleep deprived, have now in this place all that is missing only while waiting to pay a bill or send a package sell you a pound of bologna.
I'm removing my beautiful striped flannel pajamas, is about 15 years' t I, I like it because it is warm and welcoming and then, because the last gift of the only woman I ever loved and for 20 years, shared with me this wrought iron bed, before I felt the bed more beautiful in the world now that sword so bare and so cold, I remember on Good Friday.
I decided that if I can not sleep, then take advantage of this time in the usual way better than watching advertising erotic night in front of my old and indestructible Mivar 21-inch, I think he was my age I have given him even a name, ' I called Luke as the son I never had.
I live in Rome and I always lament that I can not see it with all due respect, there is always too many people around, too much noise, machinery with their smog give a big contribution to the pharmaceutical and staff restructuring of the many historic monuments blackened.
E 'in November and it is normal that gets cold at 2 am, my raincoat trying to make every effort to not let me die for frostbite, my neighborhood at night is beautiful, I live in Monteverde Vecchio near Villa Pamphili, I decide to get Trastevere on foot.
In turn there is a dog in the morning even if you do gymkhana on sidewalks to avoid leaving droppings on the sidewalks.
After about 30 minutes arriving at the main square of Santa Maria in Trastevere, usually on weekends at this time there is a lot of people, young people of every age and every nation, but today is Tuesday and there is only a few netturbino che, raccogliendo la numerosa spazzatura,maledice il fatto di non essere nato a Poggibonsi .
Mi fermo a guardare il campanile che segna le 2:30 ,l’illuminazione lo rende bellissimo di notte sembra fatto d’oro,poi mi ricordo che è una chiesa e che forse è veramente fatto d’oro,mi ricordo una frase letta su un libro molto famoso,penso sia il più letto al mondo:
“spogliatevi delle vostre ricchezze e seguitemi”,mi sa che questi hanno fatto un percorso leggermente diverso.
Mi dirigo ora verso il Tevere ,camminando molto lentamente e cercando di assaporare il tutto,preoccupato di poter perdere qualche sapore che in 50 anni non avevo ancora provato.
Arrivo alla fermata dell’autobus notturno,al suo interno ci sono solo due uomini di colore mi guardano male,è proprio vero che Roma si sta riempiendo di razzisti,che colpa ne ho io se il colore della mia pelle è diverso dalla loro.
Mi appoggio al finestrino e guardo fuori,molte strade sono al buio,solo le ambasciate e i monumenti più importanti sono ben illuminati,e vicino ad essi ci sono le pattuglie di militari tanto pubblicizzate dal sindaco, per impedire le continue violenze sessuali nei confronti delle donne,forse pensa che gli stupratori siano persone romantiche e che quindi possano violentare una donna all’ombra del colosseo.
Arrivo alla stazione termini scendo,il degrado totale! Cammino guardandomi attorno ma stavolta solo per paura che qualcuno mi accoppi to rob, here even the rapists are moving us closer and in fact there is only one of two police officers patrol outside the entrance that heat inside the car.
I hear a voice, someone is calling me

"Hey you, come here!"

do not know why but I run and I get closer to a kind of shelter made of cardboard that reminds me of the kennel Bobbi, my German Shepherd , just inside there was a dog but rather a person.

"Dude you have been evicted too? You see the face, these are difficult times a day you have a home and family the next day you only have yourself "

I stand, they are usually a great talker, but this time my mouth is that none of it may be open to the cold or perhaps for the unexpected question.
I could not ever be evicted, owned 40 apartments in Rome and hundreds of others around the world

"I need not speak, I was like you, I have some extra blankets and cardboard, stand near here and get some sleep tomorrow you will have time to tell your story.

Without saying anything I took the box and yet I made myself a bed, then I put the blanket on him, I do not know why but I felt the heavy eyelids and a moment later, I collapsed into a sleep full of beautiful dreams.

Every night I sleep in the station about a year and spend my time giornate a chiacchierare coi randagi a due zampe della zona, non posso dirgli la verità mi butterebbero fuori dal loro prestigiosissimo club, torno a casa di pomeriggio giusto per mangiare qualcosa e per portare dei fiori freschi sulla tomba di mia moglie Flavia,insomma sono un po’ come un licantropo solo che di notte non mi trasformo in un lupo mannaro .

Reduce Size Of Gallbladder Polyps


This is the third night, my eyes are planted in a vacuum, I try something that will make me sleep, I see nothing, I hear only the sound of the toilet leaking, is as precise as a Swiss watch, the 'I timed the night before, one drop per second.
I've tried everything, I counted sheep, I have endlessly repeated nonsense, I drank herbal Chinese, Thai and the usual harmless chamomile, even sleeping pills but I took nothing, these eyes are like windows of the Coliseum, but old always open.
I get out of bed with difficulty, remind me that my bones are in the past 50 years, as I would go back, my mom told me that as a child I did not do nothing but sleep, maybe that's why I now have two trolley under the occhi.Ho consumed every hour of sleep when I was in bands, I wonder if there's a way be able to recharge, perhaps going to the post office, maybe they have a prepaid card with hours of sleep deprived, have now in this place all that is missing only while waiting to pay a bill or send a package sell you a pound of bologna.
I'm removing my beautiful striped flannel pajamas, is about 15 years' t I, I like it because it is warm and welcoming and then, because the last gift of the only woman I ever loved and for 20 years, shared with me this wrought iron bed, before I felt the bed more beautiful in the world now that sword so bare and so cold, I remember on Good Friday.
I decided that if I can not sleep, then take advantage of this time in the usual way better than watching advertising erotic night in front of my old and indestructible Mivar 21-inch, I think he was my age I have given him even a name, ' I called Luke as the son I never had.
I live in Rome and I always lament that I can not see it with all due respect, there is always too many people around, too much noise, machinery with their smog give a big contribution to the pharmaceutical and staff restructuring of the many historic monuments blackened.
E 'in November and it is normal that gets cold at 2 am, my raincoat trying to make every effort to not let me die for frostbite, my neighborhood at night is beautiful, I live in Monteverde Vecchio near Villa Pamphili, I decide to get Trastevere on foot.
In turn there is a dog in the morning even if you do gymkhana on sidewalks to avoid leaving droppings on the sidewalks.
After about 30 minutes arriving at the main square of Santa Maria in Trastevere, usually on weekends at this time there is a lot of people, young people of every age and every nation, but today is Tuesday and there is only a few netturbino che, raccogliendo la numerosa spazzatura,maledice il fatto di non essere nato a Poggibonsi .
Mi fermo a guardare il campanile che segna le 2:30 ,l’illuminazione lo rende bellissimo di notte sembra fatto d’oro,poi mi ricordo che è una chiesa e che forse è veramente fatto d’oro,mi ricordo una frase letta su un libro molto famoso,penso sia il più letto al mondo:
“spogliatevi delle vostre ricchezze e seguitemi”,mi sa che questi hanno fatto un percorso leggermente diverso.
Mi dirigo ora verso il Tevere ,camminando molto lentamente e cercando di assaporare il tutto,preoccupato di poter perdere qualche sapore che in 50 anni non avevo ancora provato.
Arrivo alla fermata dell’autobus notturno,al suo interno ci sono solo due uomini di colore mi guardano male,è proprio vero che Roma si sta riempiendo di razzisti,che colpa ne ho io se il colore della mia pelle è diverso dalla loro.
Mi appoggio al finestrino e guardo fuori,molte strade sono al buio,solo le ambasciate e i monumenti più importanti sono ben illuminati,e vicino ad essi ci sono le pattuglie di militari tanto pubblicizzate dal sindaco, per impedire le continue violenze sessuali nei confronti delle donne,forse pensa che gli stupratori siano persone romantiche e che quindi possano violentare una donna all’ombra del colosseo.
Arrivo alla stazione termini scendo,il degrado totale! Cammino guardandomi attorno ma stavolta solo per paura che qualcuno mi accoppi to rob, here even the rapists are moving us closer and in fact there is only one of two police officers patrol outside the entrance that heat inside the car.
I hear a voice, someone is calling me

"Hey you, come here!"

do not know why but I run and I get closer to a kind of shelter made of cardboard that reminds me of the kennel Bobbi, my German Shepherd , just inside there was a dog but rather a person.

"Dude you have been evicted too? You see the face, these are difficult times a day you have a home and family the next day you only have yourself "

I stand, they are usually a great talker, but this time my mouth is that none of it may be open to the cold or perhaps for the unexpected question.
I could not ever be evicted, owned 40 apartments in Rome and hundreds of others around the world

"I need not speak, I was like you, I have some extra blankets and cardboard, stand near here and get some sleep tomorrow you will have time to tell your story.

Without saying anything I took the box and yet I made myself a bed, then I put the blanket on him, I do not know why but I felt the heavy eyelids and a moment later, I collapsed into a sleep full of beautiful dreams.

Every night I sleep in the station about a year and spend my time giornate a chiacchierare coi randagi a due zampe della zona, non posso dirgli la verità mi butterebbero fuori dal loro prestigiosissimo club, torno a casa di pomeriggio giusto per mangiare qualcosa e per portare dei fiori freschi sulla tomba di mia moglie Flavia,insomma sono un po’ come un licantropo solo che di notte non mi trasformo in un lupo mannaro .